COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Can’t abolish all prisons yet

Read today that there 4.7 million people waiting for a treatment in the UK. 400k are on the list for over a year. In February last year it were only 1613 who were waiting for over a year. It will take quite some time get all of them done.

At some point will have to add a death toll that was caused by Covid disrupting the normal treatment schedule and people not getting the necessary care early enough.

Seems likely to stabilize post COVID but shrink very slowly going forward. Another legacy of letting the virus run wild.

This represents .06 percent of reported infections and .009 percent of the population. Lol “not so rare.” Chuuuurrrrrccccchhhhiiiiiilllllll.


He’s still trying to scaremonger that TEH VARIANCE, by virtue of having some CHANGES in their genome compared to the original Wuhan strain, could magically defy everything anyone knows about germ theory and get transmitted by vaccinated people at an appreciable rate.


The annoying bit is that it’s always possible that something could change, but we have some great data that suggests the vaccines are holding up against variants spectacularly well at this point.


And there has been zero evidence despite people looking for it that any strain can escape transmission but not infection. Everything shows that if you’re protected from infection, your protected from transmission as well.


I might finally be able to change my poll option soon!


Ford leading with cutting edge ideas here like … use the vaccines we’ve been keeping in storage in the middle of a raging pandemic. What leadership!


My 64 year old, formerly homeless by choice brother is wanting to wait for Medicare in case he has side effects. I would guess the goalposts will move in July (bday #65).

No clue what is up with him. My other brother put in yeomans work getting to move into senior housing in Michigan after living in his car in Seattle the past few years. He did a lot of house sitting and couch surfed for a long time. He would brag how he beat the system and lived off the grid. We guess he is bipolar and untreated.


It’s in freakin’ Tulsa. That’s a sign it needs a Herman Cain 2.0 for us to make fun of.

Looks like a good place and time for a large space rock to collide with the earth

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Damn. I recognize only 7 names on this list.

Can’t believe they got that Ho speaking at that event.

Posting this not because of the mask piece of it, but because of the “OMG vaccinated people can still transmit!” rebuttal that a few in this thread are still worried about:

Alberta opening up AstraZeneca to over 40 today! I am getting a jab. Can’t wait!


Ontario too.

Ya read that. Tiny silver lining to peoples irrational hesitancy to get it.

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