COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

No appointments yet in my immediate area (rural community north of Toronto). There are 5 pharmacies in a 15 minute drive, I wonder if they actually have Astra on site yet.

Yeah, no shit. I made a fairly useless car trip yesterday to pick up a stupid trinket that my employer sent to my old address. On the way back, a guy coming the other way on a city street passed about 3-4 cars at about 60 mph, and dove back into his lane barely in time to avoid clobbering the slow driver in front of me. I was thinking about those statistics, and that a car trip is probably my most dangerous activity. I did not mentally complain about slow drivers for the rest of the trip.


I was talking to a local pharmacy here and they had lots of AZ but no appointments filled. Just criminal.

I’d call them. You might get a walk-in appointment.


Massachusetts opened up to everyone today. No appointments anywhere in the state. Apparently NH is allowing non-residents to get a shot so will try to book an appointment there.

First appointment in NH is mid may. Fuck me.


11.6% positive tests yesterday in the Czech Republic which is the lowest since September 21st.
823 positive tests which is the lowest since September 13th

Had a R under 1 over the last month. Things are getting better in the Czech Republic.


I got myself on the wait list at a couple of Rexalls near me, hoping to get near the top by the time the eligibility changes on Tuesday.


Dunno how accurate or helpful this is, but vaccinespotter does show some open spots in the Fall River area.

And it shows spots in West Lebanon, NH today.

This state-by-state residency thing is absolutely absurd at this point.


I assume Canadians know that the pharmacy registration systems are hot garbage and you should call each one individually? Lots of olds thought they were on huge AZ waitlists and then just walked in and got them.

Love seeing the 40 year olds shoving hesitant boomers out of the way.

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Yeah, I figured that’s probably what it was. It happened to my daughter in the fall a few minutes after she got her flu shot. Never happened to her before, never happened to me before. I’m going to assume for now it’s because of how strongly my immune system was cranking this time. My experience sounded the same as my daughter’s except that I don’t think she was aware that she passed out. She went from feeling nauseous to waking up. I was aware of what was happening, except that I was in and out of consciousness. Hers also happened within minutes and mine was about 19 hours after my shot.

I didn’t get hurt, so that’s good. And I felt a lot better late Saturday night after I had gotten some rest. Have felt pretty normal since Sunday morning. Maybe a little tired from lack of sleep, but no big deal otherwise.

Funny thing is, I when I described it to my family (nobody fucking woke up to the sound of me crashing to the floor), I said that the point when my head cleared felt like when your arm falls asleep and you feel the blood rush back to it. Turns out, that’s exactly what was happening.

EDIT: I’ll definitely ask a doctor about the vaso vagal response to see if it should be a future concern, but I’m guessing this was an extreme event. I suppose worst-case scenario is that I make sure I have a ride home from an appointment where I’m going to get a shot and I don’t drive for about 24 hours.

EDIT 2: For those who asked, Moderna.


Called healthlink and had to tell them of the rules change. Lol might have jumped the gun a little. Too eager.


Ppl panic all of the time from medical stuff (especially needles or weird new symptoms) and pass out. Yeah mention it to doc for sure, but unless you’re still feeling foggy/confused/headache I wouldn’t worry.

You’re a fuckin champ, got an appointment on Friday


Honestly wasn’t expecting that to work. Happy for you.




My question was, ‘Well what if we had got the straight Pfizer, you know, without it being diluted?’ And I never really got an answer out of that," she said.

I’m going to assume/hope the straight Pfizer either comes as a powder, or is too thick to get through that tiny insulin needle they used on me. Anyone know how it comes?

I pass out during blood draws and it’s not panic - My chest just gets really tight and i start sweating and it’s like boom goodnight. I don’t look at them doing it, I close my eyes, have tried everything. Never had this problem for vaccines.

It seems purely physiological but idk the mechanism as to why this happens. I swear I’m not anxious or panicky when it happens.

Just got Pfizer #2. In and out of Walgreens in 20 minutes, including the 15 minute waiting period. My arm is not quite sore, but it feels like it’s about to be sore. I’m not sure how to describe. It’s like it’s tightening up inside and feels a bit heavier than normal, but it doesn’t hurt yet.


I really think some of you should try going for a 7-hour hike right after getting shot #2 - to try to disprove that the hike was why I didn’t feel any symptoms.

Yeah, I’m not particularly worried. It wasn’t a panic-related thing, either. I have no problem with shots, needles, etc. Hell, it was almost an entire day later that I passed out. My daughter wasn’t scared of shots, either. In fact, she was ragging on her brother for being nervous about his flu shot. Just a thing that happens to people sometimes - just had never happened to either of us before.

I’ll tell you what - that feeling of the blood rushing back to my brain was quite the experience.