COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

China exiting zero COVID not going to be helpful in the near-term to medical supply chains.

Im not sure how these problems get better going forward. Really need to hope this is some outlier bad year because I have a hard time seeing even blue states returning to any sort of NPI in winter seasons going forward as part of living with COVID and its aftereffects.

Quad Pfizer team representing, now with two valents. No significant side effects, seems same as the other 3, even with a bonus covid infection mixed in 3+ months ago. Dripping with that science juice baby.


Biden tests back on the menu:


more free tests


FYI kiddos under 5 can get the bivalent shot now too

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Oh, that is great news!

Had an interesting experience today. Was in a pharmacy to pick up a couple of things and I walked past the cold medicine aisle. It was almost completely cleaned out. Nearly every single item. I don’t remember seeing that even during peak COVID.

Everyone is out there in the streets sick af but nobody wants to say anything that gets Christmas with (soon to be dead) meemaw cancelled again.

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Also an antibiotic shortage. China leaving COVID zero isn’t going to help near term. Try not to get sick for 6-9 months or so and then lets hope this isnt being driven by COVID fucking with immunity.

I’m sure China won’t have any major prob…

Even a million deaths is barely going to register in a country with a population as large as China’s.


It’s bad.

More of the oral liquid ones, although there’s amoxicillin/augmentin shortages too.

It’s been like this for a couple of months in Ontario, especially with all the kids getting sick people are buying a lot of cold medicine.

Yeah, finding children’s tylenol around me is apparently impossible. There’s some grownup cold medicine and pain relievers to be had, but nothing for kids.

Yeah I popped into the cvs every day for two weeks before I found some. Stocked up on that and Motrin. Go by every day and see what adult cough stuff is in stock and buy whatever is there when it is there. Days of on demand cold medicine kind of behind us for awhile.

Good luck


Once again make a COVID vax appointment for my kid, show up, nope no second shot available at this location. I give up. Guess he’s a one shot only kid. Cool health system we have.

EDIT: feedback i got iafter calling around that CVS and Walgreens are out of primary dose vaccination doses and there wont be any more in stock for the forseeable future. They’ll be happy to book an appointment through the online portal. There just wont be any vaccine there when you show up.

Oh well.

I remember someone trying to educate me on how Covid presented to other viruses. Here is the dumbest chart of all time from the NYT.

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Hmmm and they won’t let you get the bivalent? I know you’re supposed to do two of the OG vaccine but seems pretty silly tbh.

Got an appt for my baby’s bivalent vaccine Wednesday.