COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Australia uses DD/MM/YYYY.


Ah well, that would explain it.

The number of times Iā€™ve had to teach people to code samplesā€¦

YYYYMMDD so that they easily sort


@Mr_Unstoppable How you feeling today? I had covid twice and both times there were a ton of ups and downs. So hang in there.

ā€œIā€™d gotten the song about a week before and I just pulled from whatever I couldā€¦itā€™s crazy because it was my first day with COVID so it was awful to film,ā€ Ortega revealed during a recent NME interview. ā€œYeah, I woke up and ā€“ itā€™s weird, I never get sick and when I do itā€™s not very bad ā€“ I had the body aches.ā€

ā€œI felt like Iā€™d been hit by a car and that a little goblin had been let loose in my throat and was scratching the walls of my esophagus,ā€ Ortega continued. ā€œThey were giving me medicine between takes because we were waiting on the positive result.ā€

Impressive they were able to squeeze so much shooting into 15 minutes.

Welp, Mrs. otatop tested positive today. Iā€™m still somehow testing negative but it looks like my days on team NOVID are numbered.


Not necessarily. Both my brother and I made no attempt to isolate from our positive wives and neither of us got it. Good luck to you both.

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Flight to Charlotte. Looks like on the order of 10 masks.

Did you let them know that they shouldnā€™t Live Their Lives In Fear?

I did think some kid in a stroller was giving me and my mask the stink eye.

When I see someone wearing a mask, I assume they tested positive for COVID.

Thinking about wearing one flying back to America even if I donā€™t have it just so people stay away from me.


Gonna be on four planes in the course of 9 days. Really donā€™t want my holidays messed up by being sick.

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Iā€™ve been flying a tiny fraction of what I did before the pandemic (120 flights in 2019, will be at 22 flights this year). Iā€™m still masking at the airport and during boarding, Iā€™m slightly more relaxed about it onboard once weā€™re in flight and the air system is blowing (I have one more trip this year to Denver next week). Iā€™ll have a drink and eat peanuts on-board unmasked but Iā€™ll wear it otherwise. I havenā€™t gotten any ā€œWHY MASKā€ type derp interactions.

That is a side benefit of wearing a mask. People give you a wide berth a lot of times.

Had a work event last week that apparently was a pozz party. Tested negative this morning and no symptoms so far, but Iā€™m not out of the woods yet.

Just had my first bivalent shot. Hopefully that and last monthā€™s flu shot will combine to keep the nasty bugs away over Christmas.


I got both last week and am super paranoid of catching anything. Between flu, Covid and RSVā€¦I donā€™t want any part of it. On top of that there are albuterol shortages. (Medication used in nebulizers for breathing issues).

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for pain, itch and nausea, eventually, even if relief isnā€™t possible, people curl up, they withdraw into themselves, and they shut down.

But with breathlessness, we stay awake. We fight until our very last gasp.

Xtra Magazine spoke with Abi, a Black disabled trans artist and burlesque performer, on the challenges theyā€™re facing in the later stages of the pandemic. While many are returning to a state of normalcy, for Abi, the danger never ended.

ā€œItā€™s especially complicated as a dark-skinned Black trans person,ā€ Abi said.

If someone isnā€™t willing to wear a mask, that person may be unwilling to respect basic protections from the other kinds of violence queer people face.

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lol Daily Fail.

Nah Iā€™ve seen that speculation from reputable sources. It isnā€™t like the booster doesnā€™t help, just might be closer to getting another OG booster than quite the infection preventing boost we would like to see with some of the newest variants.

Pretty comfortable with where vax/boosting is at turning acute COVID into a minor thing, long COVID the real question.