COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

How you feeling?

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Your buddy is a hell of a COVID capper.

Stoppable, I suspect.


Hope you got the wimpy kind.


Just feels like the flu so far. Starting to feel a little better since I took some advil, my headache has gone away and my temp is down to 100.0 from 100.7. Pulse ox is normal and I have a pretty mild cough.

Yesterday morning I woke up with a sore throat, took a covid test, it was negative, so I went to work and felt fine most of the day, and then went to a brewery after work by myself and got drunk so I kinda just thought I was hungover this morning until I decided to take another test.


My sister and her fiancee both have covid. My other sister was exposed to them and she might have it too.

Thing is my sister is nearly 8 months pregnant. So, I think she has to just deal with it. Not sure what she can take for it. So far, her case is asymptomatic. She only tested because her fiancee tested positive. Itā€™s their second time having covid. Thatā€™s what happens when you donā€™t get your booster.

Other sister got covid this past summer. So sheā€™s probably in the clear.

From a more selfish perspective, it might be the ideal time for them to get covid. Itā€™ll be out of their system before I arrive for Christmas. But man COVID can fuck up a pregnancy pretty bad.


Smallish sample but itā€™s a pretty recent study.

Thereā€™s still at least one monoclonal antibody treatment that they still use as well. My severely immunocompromised transplant survivor relative received it when she was recently diagnosed with Covid. It was hard to get though, she had to travel quite far to a major city to have it administered. Longer ago one of my employees pregnant daughters got Covid and was administered a monoclonal, but Iā€™m not sure itā€™s still in use

Both kids sick again with a cough, fever, etc. Surely this is finally COVID hitting our family. We take them to an urgent care today. No COVID, no flu, they have ear infections. Our daughter had an ear infection a few weeks ago so they put her on a different antibiotic (cefdinir) that must taste awful, because she acts like we are murdering her when we give it to her. Our 2 year old gets amoxicillin. But because of this shortage, the only amoxicillin the pharmacy has, has to be watered way down for him and we have to give him 25ml twice a day.

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Yeah, cefdinir always gave my 3 year old stomache problems, but I think itā€™s a stronger antibiotic than amoxicillin. My 3 year old just got put an Amox too (She has the flu and an ear infection). It was tough filling it.

The last one had its EUA revoked earlier this week

Major societies for maternal fetal medicine and obgyn recommend the use of paxlovid.



The thing I had last week has morphed into an ear infection. Gotta go get antiviotics tomorrow. My hearing is completely plugged up

Had my first experience at a fairly large event where I was really the only one wearing a mask. My friend coaches/corrals his 6yoā€™s basketball team and I went to watch a game. In a big gym there were 3 games going at once, probably 70 kids in there and 120 adults, most of them sitting next to each other on sideline chairs. I thought maybe some of the grandparents would mask up, but no, just me. Didnā€™t get any comments or weird looks.

I donā€™t spend a ton of time out and about but one thing I havenā€™t had is people commenting or sideyeing me for wearing a mask.

There are no more monoclonal treatments im the US.

My pony needed one I guess.

Speaking of wearing masks at large gatheringsā€¦


Weird, how can it STILL be airborne?

I agree with your overall point, but it looks like those tweets are from over 6 months ago.