COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I find this bet both amusing and horrifying at the same time.

Your buddy is going to be hosting a lot of parties at old folks homes. Keep an eye on him.

Scene: a small hospital in the outback on Dec 31. Your friend “I don’t care if he’s got a stingray needle in his heart, he had Covid. Crikey, put it on the death certificate, I just need 1 more”


For those of us with comorbiditirs, vaxxed and double boosted, shoukd we be taking resmedvir if we get it?

Woke up with “oh shit this might really be it” symptoms (dry frequent cough, small fever, stuffed/runny nose) and going to get a test now

you mean paxlovid? remdesivir is usually inpatient only and doesn’t work very well

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I know I”m a broken record on this, but always remember there is always more “not covid” than “covid” circulating at any given time and that is especially true right now. I wouldn’t jump to worrying about whether or not you have it until you see a positive test result.

Seems like youre right. Ive somehow gotten two different illnesses in 5 days. Neither Covid

Yeah Paxlovid

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Seeing about a ratio of 10:5:1 of RSV:Flu:Covid right now

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Uh, just buy the good vaccines? This is insane.

I think China has put so much national prestige on its lockdown strategy that it can’t do anything besides try to ride it out until COVID goes away.

Finally stopped screwing around and scheduled my flu and bivalent Covid booster this Thursday. Sometimes I like to tempt fait.

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It’s a fate accompi.

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Yeah, I dont know what the end game is for China. In the medium-term COVID isnt going away and infection prevalence more likely to get worse than better. At minimum they need to be boosting the country, but dont see a way out without at minimum going through what Australia, Japan, etc went through when relaxing restrictions and if they let go now it likely is much worse than those places short-term. Perhaps this is just the new normal in China, they certainly seem to be making those sort of plans.

That said, I dont agree with “just buy the good vaccines” either. The US approach of vax only but also we arent really going to run a vax campaign approach is killing hundreds of thousands plus whatever non-acute COVID turns out to be and really should be anathema to progressives given how the pain is likely distributed going forward.

Also FWIW Ive read numerous reports on twitter that the RATs arent as good with new variants. Would suggest either making sure to swab cheek and throat or getting a PCR if you really want to be sure it isnt COVID/would plan to treat COVID early with something. Also, to the extent you worry about long COVID, PCR test helpful for insurance/disability purposes in the (hopefully rare) bad scenarios.

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Got my bivalent booster and flu shot. Inb4 side effects.


If you all want to feel really scared, check out this report from China:

In the early morning of August 16, a 41-year-old man in China’s southwest-central municipality of Chongqing got up and went for a jog along a lake in a local outdoor park—something that should have been a pleasant, if not unremarkable, outing.


According to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the unmasked man infected 33 unmasked park visitors and two unmasked park workers with the coronavirus omicron subvariant BA.2.76 during his short run.

The agency claimed transmission occurred in fleeting outdoor encounters as he trotted past people on a four-meter-wide footpath. Many others were infected without any close encounter. Twenty of the 33 infected parkgoers became infected by simply visiting outdoor areas of the park the jogger had previously passed through, including an entrance gate. The two infected workers, meanwhile, quickly passed the infection on to four other colleagues, bringing the jogger’s park outbreak total to 39.


Note: I absolutely do not believe this story, but it’s floating around out there.

Some of it seems implausible, but outdoor transmission and even super spreader events from outdoor transmission has been a thing since Delta.

Good masks materially reduce the risk for those who wear it, if you really want to avoid COVID just wear a respirator when you are around people going forward.

I’ve been saying it for years: cardio is dangerous.


These points make me take none of it seriously:

  • “Twenty of the 33 infected parkgoers became infected by simply visiting outdoor areas of the park the jogger had previously passed through, including an entrance gate.”

  • They’re claiming that patient zero became infected from an airline. Not from passengers on the trip that he actually took. But from a plane that had carried 4 COVID-positive passengers the previous day.

Seems infinitely more likely that China is unwilling to report any community outbreaks.


Yeah I dont fully believe the details either. I just dont find it scary because outdoor transmission is a thing isnt new news.

You’d have to believe that this subvariant is now significantly (like magnitudes) more contagious than Measles which seems… unlikely,

Welp finally got covid, damn.