COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

It’s been like this for a couple of months in Ontario, especially with all the kids getting sick people are buying a lot of cold medicine.

Yeah, finding children’s tylenol around me is apparently impossible. There’s some grownup cold medicine and pain relievers to be had, but nothing for kids.

Yeah I popped into the cvs every day for two weeks before I found some. Stocked up on that and Motrin. Go by every day and see what adult cough stuff is in stock and buy whatever is there when it is there. Days of on demand cold medicine kind of behind us for awhile.

Good luck


Once again make a COVID vax appointment for my kid, show up, nope no second shot available at this location. I give up. Guess he’s a one shot only kid. Cool health system we have.

EDIT: feedback i got iafter calling around that CVS and Walgreens are out of primary dose vaccination doses and there wont be any more in stock for the forseeable future. They’ll be happy to book an appointment through the online portal. There just wont be any vaccine there when you show up.

Oh well.

I remember someone trying to educate me on how Covid presented to other viruses. Here is the dumbest chart of all time from the NYT.

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30 posts were merged into an existing topic: About Moderation (old original thread)

Hmmm and they won’t let you get the bivalent? I know you’re supposed to do two of the OG vaccine but seems pretty silly tbh.

Got an appt for my baby’s bivalent vaccine Wednesday.

Correct as there’s no approval for using bivalent as a primary dose.

Does your pediatrician do it? There has to be a way around this.

They do clinics but none scheduled currently.

State has a list of vaccination sites but do a really bad job updating it. Scheduling doesn’t work for many of them, a lot are like an hour away, and without a contact for many of them no real confidence that they have the original dose as there is apparently a real shortage, at least at retail. Possible that’s just cvs and Walgreens scaling down given govt no longer paying for them shortly and most people here looking for bivalent given high vax rates.

That is super awful. Really sucks that there is such a wild disparity in the ability to get an important medical treatment in different parts of the US (lol sweet summer child). In the rando part of NY I am in, I have probably 10 places within 15 miles that’ll shoot me up tomorrow.

I’d say move here but it’s also snowing so meh, it’s just the flu.

Just got my 3.5 yo the bivalent booster. Sorry to hear it’s so hard to get the primary series, LG

It is a recent development. Got the first shot in November and, while the scheduling sucked, there wasn’t a shortage. Pharmacist said basically no way to get more for now and they don’t know when it will change. Again this just for the primary. The bivalent reasonably easy to get. Given the like 5 percent vax rate or w/e for under 5s though this seems like a problem over time if not fixed.

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Struggling to figure out what China’s covid strategy was supposed to be. Did they really think they were going to be able to do zero covid forever?

Might have been to just get through the party “election” that happened this fall before eating the exit wave.

They can build new hospitals in next to no time, but don’t have enough trained medical staff to cope with anything like a simultaneous outbreak in massively populated cities.

It won’t work, but the government probably felt it had to stave it off as long as possible.

Sure seemed like relaxing the restrictions was to do with the protests and not linked with the end of the “elections”, though.

Not really the point, point is they apparently did not prepare for the end of zero COVID. Vaccination rates are low among the elderly, even with their shitty homegrown vaccine. Why not just swallow your pride and buy mRNA vaccines?

Like the simplest explanation by far is that they were planning to do zero COVID indefinitely and their hand was forced by the protests, but “zero COVID indefinitely” is a batshit insane idea, so it’s difficult to reconcile with CCP leadership who are generally vaguely competent.

Fair on the protests, but everything in China is so stage managed that I find it hard to tell.

I do hope that it turns out zero COVID indefinitely is less insane than our mass infection indefinitely policy. I dont think what China was doing was very sustainable and not mass vaccinating the elderly after three years is just awful, but I also am not going to drop dead with surprise if life expectancy in the US in 2030 is like 71 years.

There were literally guys on the streets yelling “down with the Communist Party, down with Xi Jinping”. I doubt they stage managed that. I think they are actually pretty scared of revolution.

Thinking that COVID is going to make that kind of difference in life expectancy is out to lunch. Even at the height of the pandemic in an unvaccinated US, life expectancy declined by just over two years. Life expectancy in Australia (where total COVID deaths are still less than 0.06% of the population) continues to climb, and that’s probably a better guide going forward.

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