COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Dude, you can’t even keep your scandal straight from the beginning of your post to the end. Should we not bother vaxxing kids because they don’t die, or should we vaxx them because they’re incubators of mutation?

He’s an adult oncologist who’s been wrong on nearly everything in the pandemic who is saying almost exactly what you are. He’s a major source of nonsense wrt covid, and you’re clearly getting this from somewhere else.

To me the only way this would be a concern is if there are safety issues related to two doses and there’s no indication thats the case.

True. We don’t vax under 12’s yet so I’m allowed to think this is a tad soon, right?

I’ll still see this as a requirement in the US only, as adults % vaxxed behind the ROW curve.

Too soon, based on what?

Well, I wasnt going to bring it up because Im not trying to start the second Revolutionary War, but to me that is way, way, way worse/more indefensible policy than accelerating under 5 vax. Especially given current transmission/hospitalization rates for U11 in the UK.

I dont think it is going to be a requirement in the US for U5 any time soon FWIW. There are definitely stark division in the US over vaccines, probably more than elsewhere, but many parents can see the vaccination statistics and record of safety and would like to protect their kids as much as possible as soon as possible. So if two doses are safe and three doses are likely to be protective, then seems kind of fine do go down this path. Especially since current mitigation is likely to melt away pretty soon around these parts as soon as the current surge ends.

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So fuck em, it’s just the flu, they’ll be fine, amirite?

Go on? With or for :)

Time for a new thread I guess.

It either a case of ‘US has most speedy authroisation process, world watches in amazement at speed of approvals’ or ‘something else’

The UK government’s vaccine advisers have issued new guidance on Covid vaccinations for young people in light of the rapidly spreading Omicron variant. The advice opens up Covid vaccinations for children as young as five and extends the booster programme to more teenagers.

What has been decided?

Covid vaccination has been approved for children aged five to 11 after a safety and effectiveness review by the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. The approval has paved the way for the independent Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) to recommend Covid jabs for about 330,000 at-risk children in the age group.

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If you want to take the stance that kids catching COVID is costless and no risk thats fine, its your prerogative, but Im not going to go there and im not gonna start getting into the with/from stuff.

I accept theres a good chance my kids are gonna get it anyways, but will be much happier if I can vax them first, given the extremely safe nature of the vaccines its a freeroll.


New: Vaccine was approved for the most vunerable 5-11yr olds yesterday - about 500k in total.

edit: Maybe it was approved in Dec (trollys Guardian article) and took until yesterday to get all the way through the system?

He wasn’t calling kids incubators, he’s pointing out that the US is hoarding vaccines and working to use them on kids while other countries are unable to vaccinate their adult population because of a lack of vaccines.

How true that is is unclear since I know many countries have vaccines available but an unwilling population but we should clear up what exactly is being argued before arguing against it.

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Well we kindly didnt vaccinate like 1/3 of the adults, so, your welcome world supply I guess.


Which I figured was an allusion to:

Vaccine first enters Phase III trials in July of 2020, might be authorized for children in March of 2022.

[ ] Story checks out.

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big world out there…

Already addressed:

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This includes children with serious underlying heart and lung conditions and those living with people with weakened immune systems.

A decision on vaccinating all other five-to-11-year-olds has not yet been made.

Italy is making unvaccinated people over 50 pay a one-time fine of 100 Euros (~$113) since they are by law obligated to get a covid vaccine.

I mean that isn’t a lot but it is a country that’s actually doing something. It would be an insult to call anything being done in the Czech Republic recently a half measure.

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