About Moderation (old original thread)

aka trolling

Some people refer to it as aggregating news articles.

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Do you agree or disagree with Trolly saying that churchill is “constantly bullshitting and provoking people”? Do you bring up jman and others to engage in whataboutism and deflect from answering that sort of question?

Since you have not banned Trolly like you have jman, I assume that means that you don’t think his accusation of what churchill is doing is an inflammatory and false post, that you think it is a reasonable thing to believe based on churchill’s posting.

No. I don’t think Trolly understands my posting and, to be honest, I think his posts are trolling a good 50% of the time.

If I add a single sentence to the articles I quoting, he’ll say it’s wrong without giving any reason. If I write paragraphs, he’ll cherry pick the one line where I use an expression and rip that apart.

I disagree with him. There is a big difference between troll trollson saying he thinks Churchill is doing so and so in the moderation thread and what jman did. Seriously, just imagine jal made up that post about an opposing poster. He’d get banned for a week? Two weeks? Quite a while anyway. Same with church, and I’d like to hear anyone say that’s not true with a straight face.

Here’s churchill clearly insinuating that kids don’t need to be vaccinated despite rising hospitalization numbers of kids with covid:

The quote about myocarditis is literally why the UK held out for a long time on giving kids the vaccine, despite the fact that myocarditis from covid is both more severe and more common. To argue that myocarditis is a reason not to vaxx kids is vastly overstating the relative risk. Whatever you think about the degree of danger being claimed, it’s clearly being used to argue against vaccinating kids, which only makes sense if the argument is that the claim is that vaccines are harmful compared to covid in kids, or that the vaccines are not effective enough against covid to justify that risk.



Can we not do this?

Yeah, you’re miss understanding or misrepresenting that. As the person I replied to will be aware.

But you will forget his predictions about alpha.

I mean, he was quoting the guy who seems to be like the English surgeon general or something. Some UK medical authority issuing guidelines. Obviously a worthwhile topic of discussion.

Was that that the one about mushroom clouds?

OK? It’s still making an argument that the vaccines are dangerous. You said that was false.

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He quoted an article saying that there is a minuscule risk of myocarditis from the vaccine. Which is obviously true and does not say or imply that the vaccines are dangerous.

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However miniscule the risk, it’s supplied explicitly as the reason not to give a second shot to kids.


A decision made by some of the British health authorities, yes. They don’t think the vaccine is dangerous, they think a second shot for teens is not warranted.

OK, so then is this a claim that the UK heath authorities think this risk is too large, do they think the vaccine is not effective enough to be worth incurring that risk, are they stupid, or are they bad actors?

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They think the benefit of a second shot is too small to outweigh the risk of a second shot.

Dangerous stuff (not) these 3 vaxxs I was first in line for, when I became eligible.

Doxxing myself a little but here’s me booking 2nd shot for my 12yr old (now adminstered 9th Jan). She had the first shot 2 days after her 12th birthday in October, days after 12-15 became eligible. Bang on 3 months later she’s in for the 2nd.

image removed after point made

We don’t do under 12’s yet, unless immunocompromised.

We don’t do chicken pox vaxs because there is evidence more cases of adult shingles if vax as a kid. We still do pox parties. This may change shortly as can now buy the vax here but no NHS chicken pox vax.

This changed rapido when Omicron hit early Dec '21. They were thinking about a 2nd vax for under 15-17’s after 6 months, then when Omicron hit they opened up 2nd vaxs to 12-17’s after 3 minimum months. Brought all adult boosters forward from 6 months to 3 month gap too.

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