About Moderation (old original thread)

He did work dude. He’s clearly just (successfully) getting a rise out of you.

churchill posted both that and an article saying that ivermectin is ineffective but Republicans are pushing it anyways. Have you considered the possibility that he doesn’t have strong opinions and just throws shit at the wall to see what sticks and gets reactions out of people (like you)?

Lol he posted that study with a rut roh. He wasn’t neutral. It also was all over antivaxx everything including joe rogan

I couldn’t even spell Ivermectin before CN posted first on it this week. I’ve never mentioned it ITT.

Lol, I always thought it was iNvermectin before this post.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up

Ephesians 4:29


Seems like he should be discouraged from doing this.

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Don’t you have some Glaswegians to hunt?


I’m sure glad Jman is taking this gracefully and nobody is picking at Keeeds carcass and making the job intolerable for him.

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Always good to stifle the debate

I agree and he eats lots of bans (probably most even justified). What he doesn’t deserve is people making up ways to attack him (there are plenty of legitimate things to attack him on without contorting his statements to say something he didn’t actually say).


I thought he was “drama rage quitting” but maybe you’re right!

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This is not Riverman! Now all the references to “meb” make sense.


I mean, sure, but if he wasn’t constantly bullshitting and provoking people he’d draw less heat. Play silly games, win silly prizes.

Same goes for jman and the rest who roll around in the dirt trolling and insulting one another.

You’re deflecting, but yes I agree jman was out of line here.

How am I deflecting?

Somewhat clumsily.

You seem to say I am avoiding talking about some issue. What issue am I deflecting from. Ask the question you think I am avoiding.