COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

This includes children with serious underlying heart and lung conditions and those living with people with weakened immune systems.

A decision on vaccinating all other five-to-11-year-olds has not yet been made.

Italy is making unvaccinated people over 50 pay a one-time fine of 100 Euros (~$113) since they are by law obligated to get a covid vaccine.

I mean that isn’t a lot but it is a country that’s actually doing something. It would be an insult to call anything being done in the Czech Republic recently a half measure.

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The thing is, whether the FDA approves kids vaccines now or in June isnt gonna change the level of hoarding. Hoarding is a legitimate criticism, but entirely irrelevant to this discussion. Not vaxxing under 5s at all would maybe free up some vaccines on the margin, but the real fixes to that problem are kind of bigger fish.

Also worth pointing out that the child vaccine dose here is 1/10th the size of the adult dose so the overall effect on world supplies is pretty fucking minimal.

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This is textbook dishonesty on the internet.

Churchill’s original objection to the 6mo - 5 years was questioning the safety, efficacy and the FDA in general. When confronted with how stupid that is, he becomes super concerned about world supply without ever admitting he was flat wrong earlier.

In Jman style, lol no!

I was merely pointing out that the FDA appear to not want to hang around for the end of the trials, which you disagreed with, and then gave you the evidence that FDA is in fact URGING the approvals. I claim this is because the kids are making up for the adults numbers, something I first did months ago.

This is textbook CN, thinking he knows it all and rewriting the facts after being proved wrong, without ever admitting he was flat wrong earlier.

And textbook that the 4 usual suspects, pile on within minutes (Letsgambol not in this bracket)

This is how EUAs work churchill. This was done for hcq, convalescent plasma, adult vaccine and more.

The FDA is asking for trial data so it can get the ball rolling on approving a vaccine. I don’t quite understand why you object to this. Apparently the word “urged” has some significance for you that I’m not seeing.

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Speeding the authorization of pediatric vaccines against Covid-19 has been a priority for more than a year of the Biden administration, which believes them critical to reopening and keeping open schools and day care centers – and for freeing up parents occupied by childcare responsibilities to return to the workforce.

OK, it’s a political move. Fine. Rest of the world not under the same pressures, i guess.

I dont think you are right about the reason. The FDA isnt trying to make up for adult numbers. IMO Pfizer fucked this up and the FDA is likely feeling pressure to get these approved ASAP, but I dont think its linked to the adult vax levels.

Plus, again, they arent rushing anything safety related. It is just about getting the dose right, Pfizer got a little too cute with their approach. Theres no real reason to think there wont be a dosage that is effective on under 5s that is higher than the initial trial dosage, so I really dont see where the harm is coming from here.

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Right, and your plucky investigative skills have found that the scandal behind this unduly fast authorization is:

Asking them to submit the data they have!

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Fine line here (UK)

When the olds have had 14 months to have their shots, fuck em if the kids bring it home.

And all those had serious underlyers.

Seems appropriate given the stakes. Why Neville Chamberlin Covid.

The question is what is the real risk of expediency? Is it partly cutting through bureaucracy? Mostly getting through red tape? Or is it all super dangerous corner cutting that risks the lives of our children?

Since adult approval was magnitudes faster than normal I am going to assume the later is not really on the table and there are many barriers which were not creating extraneous risk. Only time will tell I guess.

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Death isn’t the only issue with children getting COVID, which has been explained to you before.

Also, I thought you had been asked to knock it off with this nationalist dickswinging.

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I think you’re inventing things, again.

So many vaccines have gone to waste around the world at this point, I am not sure hoarding is impacting global accessibility. There are bigger logistical problems than vaccine manufacturing now.

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At the beginning of December, Nigeria had to dispose of close to one million COVID-19 vaccines that it received, despite the fact that just about 3% of its population is fully vaccinated.

To be fair and balanced the US has thrown away about 15 million doses. Just donating doses is not going to vaccinate the world, unfortunately, and I doubt Nigeria is atypical of third world countries.

ROW send them abroad with a few months before expiry

Look, a quote from your link which I doubt you even read…

Speaking to the BBC, Nigeria’s Health Minister Osagie Ehanire explained the decision to discard vaccines that were donated as they were nearing their expiry dates.

“That left us very short time, some just weeks, to use them, after deduction of time to transport, clear, distribute, and deliver to users,” said Ehanire.

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