COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Lasers? Trump is going to love this. He’s going to suggest it as a cure, too. Like maybe if we all deep throat a lightsabre, it might just do it.

What do you have to lose?

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Proof that hardcore racist And religious hate comes in all colors.

I’m lazy but imagine Rainbow Text here.

You used to be able to but an update at some point broke it.

I asked in the help desk thread once:


I just saw a headline today saying “They really aren’t named murder hornets” so maybe they got a new pr team.

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Man, I hope that when I’m 139 I’m not still making butcher blocks.


My son loved whales when he was elementary school age. He would always emphases “they are orcas not killer whales, people eat cows and we don’t call the killer humans”.


Oh we got shit like this here too, it’s just on right wing media.

My dad was ranting a week ago maybe about how deblasio and the democrats in new york were attacking jews when they had that giant funeral. After I said yeah well signaling them out was disgusting but you do agree what they were doing was horrible right? Gathering like that.

He came back with some shit from the derposphere about how the mayor of NY is personally sending Muslims meals and allowing them to have funerals and even keep all the mosques open.

Facebook has announced that almost their entire workforce will work from home through 2020. Seems to be a another pretty clear indicator that most people with half a brain know this thing is not winding down anytime soon.


Your dad and my mom would get on well


The big X factor is whether the easing of lockdown restrictions changes matters. Next week we should be able to see if Italy or Spain is seeing an uptick in new cases.

Holy shit this is right near me.

Basically amazon told their workers the law requiring two weeks paid sick leave does not apply to them even though it clearly does.

Cool cool, probably gonna be massive outbreaks all around me now, and our area was already pretty bad.

  1. List item

Italy and Spain haven’t really opened up much though. Spain just started allowing takeaway food and people to go outside for a limited amount of time 3 days ago. Their current state of restriction is still more than the vast majority of US “lockdowns”. I would guess R<1 with those conditions. Any uptick probably isn’t going to happen until restrictions are eased much further and then you need to look more like 4-6 weeks out from there because of the lag in people becoming symptomatic and dying.

Spain’s current plan of re-opening doesn’t even really start until May 11th:

"11 May – small businesses and hotels can open, but social distancing will remain in force. Religious services can also resume on a limited basis, at no more than one third of the building’s capacity

  • Mid-May – Restaurants can start opening their terraces, but must not be more than 30 per cent full during the first phase

  • Late-May – Theatres and cinemas will reopen, but must be no more than a third full

  • End of June – Shops can open at half capacity, with shoppers keeping two metres apart"


These countries are slowly easing restrictions over months:

This is what active cases look like in the US

Yup. Italy and Spain seem to be doing it right. USA on the other hand…

Yup. Italy and Spain seem to be doing it less wrong than the USA…



I forgot to link my blog from last week.

I missed out on the llamas but I did hit the spectroscopy