COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Just went through a kind of coronavirus breakup. Allowed girl who wasn’t really girlfriend to isolate at my place. She has a kid she goes to visit on the weekends, stays in a guesthouse at his place.

This girl, how do I say this lightly, needs her freedom. She’s awesome in a lot of ways, but yeah…anyways, she’s not super bright and sees all her friends going out and about, starts rebelling. I let her go to Costco yesterday, she disappears for four hours then sends me a picture of her shopping at a Korean market. Never went to Costco.

She looked the same when she came back so I don’t think she was, ahem, interacting that closely with anyone else although one can never be sure. She said she was with her friend who talked her ear off. This is probably true- she’s been talking to her friend by phone incessantly and really wanted us to go out on their boat but of course I refused…

When she came back I didn’t want to let her in. Let her come in and gather a few things. She left a bunch of shit here but she’s back at her own place. It sucks because I didn’t mind her here at all, she’s easygoing and makes my life better while here, but she just can’t do it to the level I need. She thinks it’s one way, but it’s the other.


As an addition to this, as a group that is in general both way smarter and way more introverted than average, I’m not sure we appreciate how difficult it is for normal people who get crazy endorphins from social activity to confine themselves. Even the well meaning ones.


Lol the USA is providing the rest of the world with good evidence a cluster fuck of different rules and a large population of people who don’t give a fuck can get R to just a notch above 1. Competent countries can obviously ease restrictions and not overwhelm their hospital systems.


I believe ROW inc. Europe refer to these critters as Asian Hornet (they take out all the Bees so lesser chance of pollination which is kinda important). 'Bee’n in Euroland for ~5 years or so now

Might also be the Asian Giant Hornet

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Yah, ROW holding off to see how this US experiment plays out

This is making me crazy. I was talking on facebook with my cousins, who’s good friend just died from COVID, and every time i reloaded the page there’s someone else posting that shit.

I told them to just text me because I couldn’t take it anymore. Haven’t been on FB since last night, I’m sure it’s even worse today. Twitter seems to have a better algorithm to filter it out.

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Thousands of learner drivers in US given licences without test

If you’re a learner driver nervously wondering what coronavirus restrictions will mean for you, you’re probably not alone.

But if you happen to live in the US state of Georgia, there’s good news: almost 20,000 learner drivers have been given licences without having to take their practical tests.

The test waiver was announced last month to help deal with a backlog caused by cancelled road tests, and Wisconsin will be following suit from Monday.

Not everyone is happy though, with many concerned the decision could affect road safety.

One petition calling for the tests to be reinstated has received over 1,000 signatures.

This is a good, considerate thought. Introversion aside, highly intelligent people are likely both to understand the reality of this threat (while fending off misinformation) and to better adapt their lifestyles to accommodate it.


Well my girlfriend is set on seeing family for mother’s day, which includes at most 6 people, so I didn’t think it was that bad. Now I’m hearing that some of those people have been taking trips and seeing other family, increasing the exposure a lot. She’s never quite taken this seriously, but I’m really frustrated that she’s now, as the number of cases continues to increase, going out and seeing a bunch of people. She doesn’t understand why I’m making a big deal out of it, and I honestly don’t exactly know what to do.

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I was considering asking this question and this made me think of it again but how are folks handling mothers day? I’m going to talk to my wife about it but i’ve been invited to my parents for basically outdoors/social distance get together at their house for mothers day

I second this. I posted before how I was loving this quarantine but I’m starting to break a little bit. Working from home isnt helping - my house feels like a work prison. I like keeping my home life and work life separate.

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I was loving being single before the lockdown but it’s tough now. So welcome to the single lockdown club. Get a dog if you don’t have one.

Yeah there are a lot of people who always need to be on the go, out doing stuff. My dads one of them actually. He would stop and talk to the butcher and produce lady for 15 minutes. It’s been super hard for him but since he’s super high risk he’s mostly listened about limiting trips to the store from my understanding.


Sending Muslims meals? The horror!


Damn Oklahoma has really decided to front run the most backward Covid state race.

And that people who work at Facebook don’t do anything.

Seriously though, it is probably just as easy to comb through user data at home.

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Unless you’re older than her Mom (you dirty dog) wouldn’t this be ‘gl Mom’?

It sounds like people all over are beginning to crack, so we might see a huge bump in travel for mothers day. I understand that my girlfriend misses her family and wants to see them, but it sucks her family members have been seeing lots of people and doing lots of shopping for the past week or so.

Like yea, it’s true we’re young and low risk, but who knows what the long term consequences will be.


I struggle to understand this. But one of my very best friends is hyperextroverted and I always try to put myself in his shoes,

It is really easy for me to say “Just stay inside”. My day to day has not changed much at all. My friend is having an extremely hard time though but he is doing the right thing, he looks after his elderly parents and doesn’t want to risk them at all.

I also can just think how horrible it would be if I had to go to a random social mixer every night for two months straight. I would find it nearly impossible.

So hats off to those who are struggling but still keeping on top of it as best you can. I think if I was younger it would bother me a bit more, but I have always been introverted and always really enjoyed my own company.


Trump calls them Wuhan Hornet.


CCP Chinese Murderer Hornet. Assembled in a lab somewhere in China, no doubt.