COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Jesus that would make me absolutely hate my life


This is the first big holiday since we mindlessly decided to open back up. I suspect we will see the most traveling and interacting since this all began.

We might even track a big part of wave 2 directly to Motherā€™s Day. Personally I donā€™t know what I would do. If my mother was alive and living with me it would be easy. If not living with me, I might send some stuff to her and give her a rain check on Motherā€™s Day. My mom would have been okay with that, and once this is all over I would arrange a nice dinner/ get together.


Sad! But what else would he say?

Trump: ā€˜Very little contactā€™ with infected aide

President Donald Trump has told reporters that coronavirus testing at the White House will be increased from once a week to once per day after an aide who works in close contact with Trump tested positive for the virus.

ā€œIā€™ve had very little contact with this person,ā€ he said in the White House Oval Office, adding that he had himself been tested on Wednesday and Thursday.

Earlier today, Deputy White House press secretary Hogan Gidley confirmed that a member of the US military who works at the White House had tested positive.

CNN reported that the infected person, who is in the US Navy, was a personal valet to Trump.

My mother lives 357 miles times the standard social distance away from me, so it will be like most years: a face time. Not sure about florists in Ohio, though, so I might forego the flowers this year. I will keep an eye on my husbandā€™s family, though. They live further away, but all his aunts, uncles, cousins, etc live in the same town as his parents, so they might be tempted.

Seems like the consequences of Easter gatherings are coming due about now, so Motherā€™s day will extend this into June.


Iā€™m firing on all cylinders in the phase of the lockdown we are entering. Takeout and outdoor activities are okay with everyone other than Unstuck which frowns upon it, and I have a legit excuse to avoid all other activities and gatherings (especially family trips!)? Yes please!

Pretty sure UP is ok with both those things as long as youā€™re doing them responsibly

sorry, I forgot the miles :stuck_out_tongue:

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Mark Cuban hired a team of secret shoppers to see how safe Dallas businesses are being after reopening.

Very unsafe.


My sister tried to get my wife and I to go down to our momā€™s for an outdoor social distance gathering, I said no thanks. Helps my cause that itā€™s going to be near freezing on Sunday ā€” Iā€™m not sitting outside in my winter stuff.

We might do a Zoom chat or something instead.

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We are very fortunate that all relatives least at least 5+ hours away. The wife isnā€™t the best at planning our shopping trips but does follow the rules with masks spacing etc. so we end doing a big trip every 2 weeks and another 2-3 little ones in between.

Thankfully itā€™s a second marriage for both and we are very compatible.


This must have been one of the questions I didnā€™t get to on the Wonderlic test.


far. she lives far away.

So Iā€™m changing things up a bit. blue is was the trajectory for the US from ~6 days ago, orange line is today. Things are still slowing down, but we will see over the next few weeks if the orange line drifts upward.



Trust me, also me in Canada while writing that. Weā€™re setting the bad kind of records this week.

My parents went into a full quarantine on 5/2, and Iā€™ve been fully quarantined. They have a doctorā€™s appointment on 5/28, so basically weā€™re viewing 5/16 to 5/27 as a window to see each other safely. Weā€™re going to celebrate Motherā€™s Day first, then toward the end weā€™ll celebrate my birthday (5/26) and my fatherā€™s (6/5). Weā€™ll try to do it again next month for Fatherā€™s Day. I think this is going to be the plan throughout the summer, if things stay about as they are nowā€¦ But Iā€™m an only child so itā€™s not a big group, theyā€™re both retired, and I can work from homeā€¦ So reducing everyoneā€™s exposure down to just grocery deliveries (or grocery pickup put in the trunk by a worker in their case), and mailbox/trash chute trips for me, is relatively easy.

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It would become public if he had symptoms.

Texas governor changes order to free beauty salon protester

The governor of Texas has amended his lockdown executive order to free a salon owner who was jailed after refusing to close down her business.

Gov Greg Abbottā€™s order bans ā€œconfinement as a punishmentā€ for violating virus mitigation orders.

Shelley Luther, the owner of Salon Ć  la Mode in Dallas, was jailed for contempt of court on Tuesday after she refused to apologise and pay a fine for staying open despite official warnings.

Texas is nearing 1,000 Covid-19 deaths and 35,000 infections.

Read more here:

Iā€™m allergic. I was jokingly thinking about getting like a fish or something. Then I was non-seriously thinking about getting an outdoor terrace llama. The range of pets I could end up with if this thing goes a year is wide. I could end up talking to a volleyball before itā€™s all said and done.

Yeah, for some people socializing is draining and for others itā€™s energizing. Iā€™m a weirdo in that I love talking to people, but I do also need some alone time to isolate and recharge. So far this has been fine, but I had 3 weeks with that girl staying here. I think if Iā€™m able to see my parents a few times a month during those 1-2 week stretches where everyone is safe, and maybe do that with a friend and his wife and daughter once or twice, Iā€™ll be ok on the social front.

As for datingā€¦ I can go a couple months and re-evaluate. One thing for me is that even if everyone in society is like, ā€œFuck it, letā€™s roll the dice and take our 1% risk or whatever,ā€ Iā€™m not in the mood - especially not until I lose about 50 more pounds. (Down like 18 so far.)

Once I have 0 comorbidities, if society and the boomers want to roll the dice and thatā€™s the route weā€™re going, I may be inclined to poke my head out and re-enter the world a bit.

Yeah, the long-term part still scares me a ton. We just have no idea, and thereā€™s been some concerning evidence already of long-term damage even in mild cases.

Memorial Day is going to be a doozyā€¦ Should be flattening things out a bit just in time to celebrate the birth of this wonderful country. Maybe people will chill the fuck out for Labor Day? Maybe?

ā€œThank goodness all the people we love are super far away,ā€ is so 2020.


The new punishment is the governor calls you and very sternly yells ā€œDONā€™T DO THAT YOUNG MAN!ā€ into the phone. Then he pauses and says ā€œLOL, just kidding. Youā€™re white, right? Go forth and prosper!ā€