COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Anecdotally my ride home from work is back to the normal amount of traffic.

Yeah, it was below freezing here today (just briefly).

Obviously there is just not the will here in America for things to be shut down or to take many (any) precautions. I wonder how different it would be if people were getting a UBI of like $4,000 a month?

I think the main reason that there is no will for this is that the American people fall into two groups: those who are hanging on tooth and nail to keep their head above water and cannot afford to be out of work, and those who have suffered no real hardship in life. Most of the second group truly thinks America is invincible to this kind of disaster. It just doesn’t happen here.

They think this because their life experience has taught them this. The United States has been the richest country in the world their entire lives, has not lost a war on its own soil, has not had extreme economic collapse, has not had a pandemic, etc, etc. We’ve seen the media hype up possible threats, but it never got that bad. So it’s all hype, always, forever. Nothing can ever happen here. Why? Cause this is AMERICA! We’re the best, we’re the exception to the rule, we’re smarter and stronger than everyone else. So it can’t happen here. It’s the flu, don’t worry about it, we’re AMERICANS.

How many Americans who aren’t struggling to get by understand that bad things can happen here?
10%? 20%? It’s not many. We’re gonna learn, though. Hard.


The citizens of every fallen empire through history thought it could never happen to them right before it did. This time it’s different though right? Our empire will last until the end of time!

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It is dumb. She wasn’t jailed for violating the order. She was jailed for contempt of court. This change does nothing to that.

Don’t you worry, they’ll find a way to let the rich white lady out to open up her salon, just give 'em a minute. They’re not as bright as they are evil, so it may take them a few tries to get it right.

My favorite uncle growing up. Had intellivision and Nintendo and played in the championships for Tetris at Cobo hall or somewhere large

Found out recently he is a trumpster. It’s really devastating.

He shared that video today

I felt like all the people on watch people die inside side.


Before I go to bed way out here in Europe, let me just say that I love almost everything about this thread except for the title, which always causes me to look at my tabs in chrome and think that I have Unstuck notifications. (2) to be exact. :frowning:


Yeah that’s a great point, same here.

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Ordered some flowers to be delivered to my mom and a zoom call with the granddaughter will be had at some point in the day.

For the wife, we’ve both agreed that our gifts for mother’s/father’s day are a night alone (truly alone, not with each other lol) in a hotel once things open up. And I’m gonna buy her some rosĂ©.


Well this makes me feel better as I self isolate at home.

It’s worse when it shows you have 2
 because then it’s 2/2s :crazy_face:

Did you get to the one where they just asked Vince Young to write 3, 5, and 7?

Bye felecia time

Linked below is an article in an Australian newspaper about some big missteps the Indonesian government has done in the early days of the pandemic. But what caught my attention is the following quote:

The 1600 designated COVID-19 beds have never been fully occupied, Anies says, and right now, only 900 of Jakarta’s ICU units are in use.

Even accepting that Jakarta’s “real” case number is in the 30k range (about 6x official numbers), the pandemic there is clearly much slower than in many places in the northern hemisphere.

And I guarantee that was not a result of good governance of any kind. Jakarta is a city of 9.6 million people, many living in slums, public transit is constantly jammed far beyond capacity, and social distancing efforts were laughable for the most part.

They really are horrible. People who just accidentally stray close to their nest get swarmed and killed all the time in Japan. They can sting through beekeeper suits.

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What the hell happens online when Trumpfan anti-vaxx/fire-Fauci conspiritards bump into liberal off-the-grid-vegan anti-vaxx/fire-Fauci conspiritards? Do they fight? Do they put aside their differences and not talk overall politics?


30-50 people per year in Japan.

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Today I learned a best selling soft core novel in the 90s featured a hero modelled after Fauci.

Welcome to the weirdest of all conceivable timelines.