COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually


The first time I ever saw a tarantula Hawk in the desert I lost my mind, I didn’t even know such a creature could exist. And they’re harmless compared to these things


There’s an effort to recall the mayor of Las Vegas over her CNN interview… Doug Polk is leading the charge. Yes, that Doug Polk.


lol he wants to keep the nevada online games soft


My mom is 74 and lives alone. Has been quarantined with the exception of a couple curb side touchless pickups since March 13. I’ve seen her twice (I’m also working a solid lockdown game with the wife) and will make it a third on Sunday. In a not-hard-hit part of NY. I’m perfectly fine with this.

Wish y’all had the same circumstances, and can sympathize because I haven’t and won’t see my dad because he hasn’t been as strict.



Don’t @ me Jalfrazi :roll_eyes:

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Not clear me that the people giving quotes actually have read the paper. The other thing is, when they’re just making bare assertions like “no compelling evidence for multiple strains”, I don’t know if I’m trying to compete with their knowledge of viral genetics, which is obviously going to be much better than mine, or their ability to evaluate evidence into probabilities, which is probably a lot worse than mine. One thing I’m sure about is that nobody has direct experience with a brand new virus hitting the human race at pandemic speed in the age of genetic sequencing, because this has never happened before.

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Haha maybe, but I think he’s retired. I think he made enough money, created a revenue stream off YouTube and got the fuck out.

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Wait WTF… Her name is Goodman? How’d I miss that…


It’s ALL

This continues to be one of the big problems facing humanity right now, and I feel like a lot of critical voices are being pushed aside with a big old, “LOL no.” A lot of average folks are listening to whatever doctor or nurse makes it sound the least bad. “70K deaths? Ehh, whatever, the flu kills 60K. No big deal!” A lot of doctors think they’re the shit and aren’t listening to epidemiologists. A lot of virologists think they’re the top experts on this, so do epidemiologists.

It’s a time when you need an elite leader to get the best minds around a table and say, “First, don’t tell me what you think. Tell me what you know. Okay, NOW tell me what you think.”

This strikes me as the type of thing Obama was good at - bringing in a lot of people to provide insight, then deciding what was the most important.


Yeah; you can’t register your car or renew your tag annually without insurance, which is in the system so they know immediately if it lapses


Well they have to be in car with adult as passenger. The only difference is they didn’t take a street signs test, so I’m not too worried.

Other comment was “Have you ever used you’re one time” .

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I agree but my point is the test to get the permit doesn’t ensure they are safe drivers; they are never allowed to drive before getting permit, so it’s always dangerous being on the road with them.

I’d rather them take the test first, of course, but it’s not as bad as when they start waiving requirements for driver’s license

Imagine being in charge of the Ohio Department of Health, doing your fucking job, and having a bunch of mouthbreathing MAGA dipshits with AR-15’s screaming on your lawn all day. What a state, what a country. As some point you have to laugh to avoid perpetual misery.


Me too, we do get a provisional license though, with no need for any lessons.

It’s just permits, not licenses

Again, nobody is allowed to drive until they have a permit so 100% of new permit drivers suck

I’d still prefer they have to prove they at least know a yield sign first, tho

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Really… Wtffff

If that happened here Atleast 90% have a crash, passenger or no.

America is a lot wider roads though, but still. :crazy_face: