COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

After Sandy Hook, Obama couldn’t pass a damn thing still. 40% of Americans are just fine with death if they don’t get told what to do.

so polk needs 25% of voters in that last mayor election to sign his petition. Good luck with that. She seems politically savvy enough not to just start laughing her ass off on camera about it anyway. Though maybe these days that’s actually what she should be doing idk anymore.

He’s running upswing (or at least is the main owner)–one of the poker training sites. He figured out before a lot of other pros that’s where the $ to be made was. He did the youtube thing, branched out, probably has enough to not do shit if he doesn’t want to so kudos to him.

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So the PA governor just extended the stay at home orders in my county through June 4, which is the right move of course. That said, I’m planning on having my parents up here around May 18 and going down to visit them maybe a week later. They live one state over. They’ll be quarantined completely for 2 weeks, as will I, and we won’t be seeing any other people. So I feel pretty safe about it.

But I hadn’t looked at the specifics of the order until now, because I knew I’d be exceeding the requirements.

It appears this visit is illegal (no travel except for life sustaining purposes). If I go through with it, am I an entitled asshole taking advantage of my privilege?

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I’d be surprised if a year of upswing made him as much as his fifth biggest pot he’s ever won.

Probably not, but he reached a point in poker where he wasn’t going to get much/any high stakes heads up action, which was his bread and butter. He hit a couple tournament scores, he was likely worth several million, so he’s got fuck you money if he’s not an idiot… and he has continued revenue streams. Between Upswing, his YouTube, and the money he can generate, he’s probably making more than enough to live off of it very comfortable while doing whatever he wants.

Yeah, it’s definitely nice passive income from someone who doesn’t seem to have the drive to grind anymore but I think that training sites have really dropped off from a decade ago. Most people would rather drop $500 on pio I think.

Their MTT course is 1k. I’m probably their target demo for that and would never pay for it. (Play a handful of live 1ks a year and everything $30-200 on a Sunday but not baller nor good enough to fire 530s etc)

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He’s whining about the requirements on Twitter, as if he doesn’t understand why it’s supposed to be hard. Did he fail at casting himself as a crypto expert? This just seems like another attempt at attention whoring on his part.

Didn’t crypto kind of fail at casting itself as a crypto expert?


Have some courage, ya snowflakes!

I went to college with Pete Hegseth and am proud to report that he has been an irredeemable piece of shit since at least age 19.


Uh so I don’t know if I’m ponied here but:

I don’t know what to think about this. It’s a story that seems insane on multiple levels, the most obvious of which is that on the US’s current trajectory, that will probably exclude half the country.

My guess is that they will review the guidance over time, but, for now, they are being super cautious because there is so much uncertainty about both long term health effects on the individual and the lingering questions about reactivation/continuing to shed virus.

(Also, if I were running the military, I’d probably try to limit the number of 18 year olds who think they can YOLO it up “because I have the antibodies, bro” that I was introducing into a barracks or ship environment.)

The Australian PM is speaking to the press at the moment. While final decisions will be in the hands of states and territories, he’s outlining National Cabinet’s plan to OPEN FOR BUSINESS by July, in a three-step opening:

Step one will enable greater connection with friends and family, allowing gatherings up to 10 people, and five guests in your own home. Working from home, if it works for you, and your employer. That’s a difference in emphasis. As I’m sure you picked up [meaning more you than employer]. It will see children back in classrooms and in play grounds in their communities. Golfers back on the green. Lap swimmers back in the pool. Boot catch camps back in the parks. Retail and small cafes and restaurants reopening. Local and regional travel, starting again. It will see easing of restrictions for funerals with up to 30 attendees, outdoors, and 10 at weddings.

Step two will allow larger size gatherings up to 20 people, including for venues such as cinemas and galleries, more retail openings on sector based COVID safe plans, organised community sport, and beauty parlours, and you’ll be pleased to know, barre classes [exercise fad here at the moment] open once again.

Step three, allowing gatherings up to 100 people. This will become clearer as we move through the first two steps. There will be more work to do on step three. But most workers, by then, will be back in the workplace. Interstate travel will likely resume. Pubs and clubs with some restrictions will be open. And also possibly gaming venues.

As I said, steps three, step three, but also step two, will get greater definition as we move through the success of step one.

For context, Australia currently has 733 known active cases. 736,655 tests have been conducted which uncovered 6,900 total cases.


Hell yeah this is great news

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More from the PM:

Step one is cautious. It’s gentle. It’s not doing too much at once. Because we’re in uncharted territory. There’s not many countries in the world like Australia that’s in a position to start gently relaxing measures with such low case numbers.

We don’t want to lose the control we’ve got. We want to make sure that outbreaks that occur are managed and controlled. We also want to make sure that before we do anything, every Australian follows these measures.

No more heroics of coming to work with a cough and a cold and a sore throat. That’s off the agenda for every Australian for the foreseeable future. Please.


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Australia has also joined “First Movers”, a group of countries who have managed to control COVID and are now looking to loosen restrictions. The idea is to consult with each other, share strategies and data, etc.

The so-called “first movers” group includes Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Denmark, Greece, Norway, Czech Republic, Israel and Singapore.

Sup @superuberbob


“Let me say what else is not fair game,” he said. “I’m the elected official. I’m the one who ran for office. I’m the one who makes the policy decisions. Members of my cabinet, Dr. Acton included, work exceedingly, exceedingly hard. But I set the policy. So when you don’t like the policy, again demonstrate against me. That is certainly fair game. But to bother the family of Dr. Acton, I don’t think that’s fair game. I don’t think that’s right. I don’t think it’s necessary to get your point across. You can get your point across very, very easily any day of the week with demonstrations of what I am doing and what policies you disagree with.”

Dewine is way too sane and compassionate to be a Reblublican in 2020. They’ll drum him out of the party


By far my biggest personal fear is some kind of permanent lung damage. Hiking up a 10k’ mountain every week or every other week is my life (or was before this). If I couldn’t do that I’d go into a deep depression.

Fuck herd immunity. I’ll quit if they make me go back to the office.