Help Desk

Figure out which orientation your phone considers to be the default and only take pics that way, or find a way to edit your photos.



Has the way to do this changed? I don’t have that circle by the “New Post” button. Thanks.

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There should be a little alarm bell in that same location now for both mobile and desktop. You need to be in the category you want to track for it to appear, like here: Politics & News - Unstuck Politics Forum

It won’t show up on the front page of the forum.

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Thanks - I think I’m confused on how the categories watch. For instance, in the politics category, I’m “Watching” which I think should show me the bubbles with new posts. However, I only have these bubbles for some threads.

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Thanks - I’ll try that.

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Dumb question that may have already been answered here, but I couldn’t find it.

How do you make text another color?

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It requires a plugin. We had one for awhile but removed it for reasons that didn’t have anything to do with colored text. I’m kind of ambivalent about enabling it again, but would do so if people really want it.


Okay, thanks.

It’s not a big deal for me. Just couldn’t figure out how to do it and it was bugging me.

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Another dumb low-priority question from me.

It seems like the “spiffy box” (or whatever it’s called) feature (the one that automatically grabs an image and text blurb from a pasted link and formats them into a nice little box in one’s post) doesn’t work for Seattle Times links anymore?

I swear it used to but now it just spins for a while and gives up, leaving just the link:

I’m guessing this is something that they (Seattle Times) changed/messed up, but on the off chance there’s a configuration fix on this end, maybe it’s worth looking at, in case it affects more sites than just my provincial rag?

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Yeah, for whatever reason some publishers decide that if you ask for their Open Graph tags too many times you are obviously a nefarious website that wants to link to them with attractive, compelling and informative information. Obviously this can’t be allowed, because it’s way better to not have your site appear to be worth visiting.

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When you put it that way it sounds pretty dumb, but I suppose they have their reasons? I’ll do my links the old fashioned way I guess.

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Can anyone anticipate a problem with my creating an account called UPConfessions and publish the password to the community. Then I start a thread for anonymous confessions that anyone can post in using that account. It would be meant as lighthearted but I guess it could get dark.

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An account with a public password seems like a really bad idea to me that is pretty much guaranteed to be abused and taken over by somebody with bad intentions.

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I just enabled anonymous posting for fun. I’m not sure if this account can be traced back to me. Seems like a bad idea. I’m unenabling it now. It does show the last IP address anonymous posted from so not really anonymous anyway


So the anonymous account only shows the IP of the last person to post that way? That seems extraordinarily bad.

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I am Spartacus.

lol that wasn’t anon

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No but this is. damn it was better when I thought it was all going to be the same anonymous

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Back off again.

So everybody gets their own personal anonymous account?

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What could go wrong

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I think it forgets your anon account once you log out or switch back and then you’d get a new one

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