COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I know we’ve had reference to this before but it’s on-topic

imagine doing that for … stopping there


I heard today that only 28% of people who lost their jobs in Florida have received unemployment benefits. The system seems hopelessly crashed.

Honestly curious what it would be like if Trump got COVID-19. I KNOW he’d lie about it, I’m just not exactly sure how. First instinct was that he’d say that it was barely a tickle due to his super-human constitution, but he also whines super hard about everything, so it’s a lock that he’d want to milk the shit out of that too. Quite the paradox.

The New York death curve in graphic form

I think trump stool servants would live the life of a Russian doctor or a Spinal Tap Drummer, availing themselves of every opportunity to avoid more reprocessed Big Macs.

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Florida has purposefully implemented many roadblocks to make it hard to collect unemployment, beyond the norm.

Right. That’s still not going to help Donnie Dumdum come November.

I didn’t believe that linear decay in the NY death count would be possible, but I’m glad to be proven wrong, at least so far.

Further to the discussion on strains. Should say I’m no expert and have no idea if this story is about people who do or don’t know what they’re talking about. They do seem to be aware of the papers about the D614G strain. I was surprised they’re not a bit more fence sitting, but that could easily just be the journalist picking quotes (and me!)

Using a database called the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID), researchers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the United States tracked genetic changes, or mutations, in the “spike” of the new coronavirus - the part that gives it its distinctive shape.

Their preliminary research found 14 such mutations. The researchers said one, called D614G, was “of urgent concern” because it appeared to be emerging as dominant and may make the disease more infectious.

Using the same GISAID database, a team at University College London in Britain screened the genomes of more than 7,500 viruses from infected patients around the world.

The UCL team found 198 mutations in the coronavirus genomes they analysed but said none appear at this stage to be particularly worrying.

“This multiple strains idea has to be very much debunked,” said Eric Topol, a cardiologist, geneticist and founder of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.

“We know there is only one strain.”

Genetics and biology experts say it’s still too early to know whether any of the mutations are meaningful.

Lawrence Young, a professor of molecular oncology at Britain’s University of Warwick, said that while there is “much speculation about the possible emergence of more aggressive strains”, studies so far show that is not the case.

“Overall the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not mutate at a high rate… and there is currently no compelling evidence that the mutations have had a significant effect,” he said

I forgot you had a D gov. A lot going for you there with low pop density and a low case load. Exactly the the type of situation to carefully open and see if you can manage growth.

Huh that looks exactly like a graph I’ve seen (made) before.


That plandemic video is SO FUCKING STUPID

I’m on another mass unfriending spree. I thought I had weeded out most of the idiots but apparently I didn’t.


It’s a bit like the growth of the virus. People are getting tired of being locked down and are latching onto anything that might give them hope of getting outside again. I’ve noticed friends that I thought we’re immune to that sort of propaganda starting to post more inane bullshit.


Keep in mind that this graph does not include the NYC presumed data. NY as a whole had over 700 deaths reported yesterday. At the peak this was about 1000. It does seems like it is following the Italy/Spain path where the slopes on the downslope section of their curve is much flatter and more gradual than the upslope.

In hopeful treatment news:



Proof Texas #1

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I’m getting tested. Will know in 5-7 days.


Real men get instant tested with Abbott Tester Molester 2000