COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

How long before there’s a mass shooting in a US hospital?

Fake patients

With all the schools closed the mass shooters will have to go somewhere.

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Imagine being a crisis actor, putting in your time, waiting for your big break, and finally, finally you get the call to the Big Leagues as a fake patient for the Rona Hoax. You’re really getting your teeth into the part and you’re already dreaming of a Flaggie nomination, and then some fucker comes and actually shoots up the place.


Everyone knows the fake patients aren’t actors. They usually just tape a bunch of cats together.


Undoubtedly a real fear of the brain dead right wing racists.

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Still an outside chance all the republicans kill each other due to cowardice and stupidity.

So trump has not changed since he didn’t want the cruise line passengers to deboard.

This is cool. So Ohio is forcing the most vulnerable people back to work “Or else” and even created a snitch line.

So nice to see Ohio go from a governor setting an example to the rest of the state becoming the absolute nut low in the whole country.

Also this :


Speaking of unemployment, another week goes by where I received $0 and the “your claim is not payable at this time” error. Still have not gotten through on the phone to anybody.

Meanwhile, I know of two people who didn’t qualify for unemployment (one hadn’t started working yet and the other didn’t meet the weeks/$$ threshold), both applied two-three weeks ago and both have already received multiple payments of both weekly unemployment and the $600 federal addition. Absolutely infuriating.


The Trump crowd’s bottom line philosophy has remained consistent with this virus response: anyone weaker, poorer, or inferior should die or just go away. Of course, they believe themselves to be superior (if not stronger and richer) because they are White Americans. If they could express the beliefs in the cold dark recesses of their souls, which they can’t because they’re embarrassed or just too stupid to ever think deeply at all, they would say it’s a good thing that a lot of people die.

In a way it’s already happening. Trump is the gunmen shooting bullets of indifference.

  1. Got approved today. We will see when the money shows up

The sick part is that they are the exact voters he relies on.

I wish you the best of luck. Hopefully you will start getting paid right away. Don’t hold you breath though…I was approved in March and have received $0 so far. And I’ve heard PA is having a lot of the same issues as NJ.

Bahaha. Montana keeps getting put on blast in stuff like this because we’re gradually reopening, but we crushed the curve early on and are in relatively good shape to do so. Our (D) governor was fantastic early on, though he might be caving slightly to recent pressures.

“Flaggie nomination” had me doing a spit take at my desk.

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Does Wisconsin care about its citizens?

I posted this in trump thread, but one of Trump’s personal valets has corona. These guys are as close to trump as anyone. Think Gary in Veep.