COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

:open_mouth: Sie haben besserwissen?

Yeah. I’m not that good of a person. It’s been 2 1/2 months since my last proper trim rather than my mediocre at best maintenance.

Thick long beards like mine don’t really seem to be a thing in the Czech Republic. I’ve only seen them on expats and tourists. For months, I had a very hard time finding a place that knew how to take care of them.

Anyway, the number of active cases in the CR is starting to increase again, mostly because the number of recoveries has declined dramatically. For weeks, there were dozens of recoveries per day. While it makes sense that fewer active cases means fewer recoveries, the percentage decrease in recoveries is absurd. Yesterday, there were just 3 recoveries. This was the first time since March 28th where the number of deaths was less than or equal to the number of recoveries. The R0 has increased from 0.7 to 0.8.

People here seem to be overestimating how quickly we’re recovering from this. They see that we’re no longer at our peak and think, “Oh. We’re done now. We can go back to normal.” but if that logic spreads here, then there’ll be another peak. Recovery from a pandemic is a very slow process.

The peak number of active cases was April 11th which was the first day the R0 dipped below one. We’ve been below that for about a month now and the number of active cases has declined 28% since then. It’s nice but going back to normal now is like celebrating a touchdown at your own 28 yard line. It’s possible that a more proper recovery is not achieved until the end of the summer and by then we may be looking at a second wave upcoming.

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Large scale antibody testing seems to indicate that around a quarter of the NYC population has had this. Probably a huge MOE there, so take this with a huge gran of salt and with a huge MOE, but you could extrapolate that to an IFR of 1 percent in NYC.

Sounds like some kind of civil contempt, not criminal. If so, can’t be pardoned.

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Not being familiar enough with Dr Amy Action I hit google…


The headlines and the timeline says it all - what a world.


This stat is useless without knowing the true percentage of people in the state who are currently “at home.” Like, yeah, if 50 percent of people in the state are currently “at home” and 66 percent of the new positives are from that group, then that number is nuts. If 95 percent of the people in the state are currently “at home” and 66 percent of the new positives are from that group, well that’s not surprising at all.

That is fantastic - very moving - and worth a comment - thanks for posting.

Sanjeet and Rajeet - gentlemen what can I say …

Not really. It’s not like that is going to drastically alter the electoral math in a couple of years. I’ve also seen a disturbing number of young people buying into this conspiracy theory lately. We may be underestimating how vulnerable younger generations are to this bullshit, given their lack of trust in American authorities and institutions. That’s deserved in many ways, but it’s really going to burn us if they don’t take a vaccine.

I haven’t crunched the numbers myself, but if that’s accurate it makes sense to me that the NYC IFR would be higher than the overall western developed nation IFR. Two to a vent and people “not sick enough” being sent home almost certainly increased the IFR. It’s going to vary region by region in terms of overload and quality of care.

In these cases a proper reaction always looks like an overreaction to the average person. “We shut down for nothing! It wasn’t even that bad!”

No shit, Sherlock. Now why could that be???

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It’s infuriating that not that bad is going to easily clear 100k with a likely outcome of over 200k.

I can just see it slow down mid June and there will be all kinds of “told you so” and then fall comes or strain C arrives and whacks another 300k.

PS. I don’t see why it will slow down in June. Our behavior seems like the only reason it has gone down in some places. Without the best behavior modifications it’s going up.


random black jogger gets chased and gunned down by White supremacist, gunmen don’t get prosecuted, and these pieces of shit give zero fucks, but heaven forbid a judge ask for an apology from some stupid selfish fuck who endangered the lives of all her customers and community by defying a public safety order. THATS the thing we need to get upset over. Fuck you fuck you fuck you.


From 24:00.

For those who can’t watch it, Dr Jennifer Rohn, a cell biologist from UCL London Uni, talks about how we (esp the UK) will have to learn to live with this virus and will have a “certain relationship” with it, and that “it’s quite likely that ultimately everyone will become infected with it”.

Ohhh, that’s why they’re upset about wearing masks. Makes perfect sense.


No content to add but just like the screenshot Xeni Jardin used for an article on BoingBoing

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Man he is bursting out of that suit.

Looks as though he refuses to have his suits tailored to accommodate his ever-fattening body.

UN warns of multiple famines caused by pandemic

The United Nations has warned that the coronavirus pandemic could cause “multiple famines”.

The comments came as the UN appealed for a further $4.7bn (ÂŁ3.8bn) in funding for its global humanitarian response plan.

Under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, Mark Lowcock, said the worst effects of the crisis would be felt in the world’s poorest countries.

“Unless we take action now, we should be prepared for a significant rise in conflict, hunger and poverty. The spectre of multiple famines looms,” he said.

More than 50 vulnerable countries are to receive donations bought with the funds by the UN including medical equipment to test and treat the sick and hand-washing stations.

In March, the UN initially requested $2bn to be donated to the response plan, of which $900m has already been received.

Virus exposes shortages across Africa’s health care systems

African nations are facing a surge of Covid-19 cases with less than one intensive care bed and one ventilator per 100,000 people, a Reuters survey has found.

Even in a best-case scenario, the continent could need at least 10 times the numbers it has now as the outbreak peaks, an analysis of researchers’ projections showed.

The shortages across Africa’s national health systems are among the starkest elements to emerge from the survey, which polled 54 countries and received responses from health officials or independent experts in 48 of them.

The results provide the most detailed public picture to date of the continent’s key resources, testing and personnel for the coronavirus, which has killed more than 262,000 people worldwide.

The World Health Organization has warned that Africa, home to 1.3 billion people, could become the next centre of the pandemic.

The continent has recorded over 51,000 Covid-19 cases, a fraction of the 3.76 million recorded globally.

But low levels of testing make it impossible to know the true scale of infection. The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has said Africa could see nearly 123 million cases this year, causing 300,000 deaths.

Assuming a complete lockdown for an indefinite period, at least 121,000 critical care beds will be needed continent-wide when the pandemic peaks, according to a Reuters analysis of the projections by scientists at Britain’s MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London , on which the UNECA forecasts are based.

That compares with just 9,800 available intensive care beds found in the survey, conducted through April and May. The survey also revealed severe shortfalls in testing, personnel and oxygen supplies.

Many African nations moved quickly to contain the virus, launching high-profile public health campaigns, restricting movement and repurposing factories to produce protective equipment.

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Black men and women are more than four times more likely to die with coronavirus than white people in England and Wales , the Office for National Statistics said.

The data, compiled from analysis conducted between 2 March and 10 April, is the latest to indicate marked differences in how the outbreak affects different ethnic groups.

A University College London study also indicated a disproportionate effect on people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds.

The ONS analysis suggested black males in England and Wales were 4.2 times more likely to die after contracting Covid-19. The figure rose to 4.3 for black women.

It also found people of Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Chinese and mixed heritage had an increased risk of death compared to those from white backgrounds.

The ONS said its findings suggested differences were in part a result of geographic and socioeconomic factors, such as deprivation.

“However, these factors do not explain all of the difference, suggesting that other causes are still to be identified,” it added.

I think it is not about interesting, but about what fits your preconceived opinion.
Some guy on facebook just shared a video of the president of Tanzania claiming he had sent in goat blood and fruit juice samples and they tested positive. The conclusion was of course that this is all a WHO hoax.
Imagine how desperate you have to be to trust some random African dictator, you had probably never heard of ten minutes earlier over those of tons of experts and government officials.