COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Here’s Cookie, our 4-year old red standard poodle, and a good fishing buddy.


Ya, I have difficulty posting from phone, too. Can’t do a proper twitter embed and cursor copy/paste box covers style format. Probably better to install on device? I saw that somewhere, right? Is that an App? I should prolly post this in about unstuck, eh? Sorry, but peeps were asking for derails. I guess i could fire up my vcr for suzzer. Lol Good

I’m just too lazy to get up. I’ve been in same spot for at least 2 hours. My phone is acting sorta crazy tonight.

Literally was going to post the same thing. Keep the awesome pet pictures coming

That’s a good-looking dog. And a good-looking spot.

We had a pocketbook poodle when I was a kid because my trump-loving sister had allergies so no long hairs and no cats.

Great dog tho, chased the next door neighbor’s Irish Setter off our lawn all the time.

My wife’s pay is normal so far, but I’ve just taken a 10% cut. We’re still saving more money than before… and I’m getting fat as fuck

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The fuck is this septic ballbag even talking about? How exactly is New York imposing its will on Nashville suburbs?

This is my favorite picture of my little girl, Tippy. From November 2016, when she was 15-years old. It’s honestly hard for me to look at.


Oooh dog photo derail

Here’s (one eyed) Jack. Rescue dog that was found outside of a farm in a snow storm with his eye dangling out. Rushed to the vet near death but had to lose his eye. Vet guessed someone either kicked him hard or tossed him out of a car. Went to a foster mom that loved him back. Nearly lost his other eye a few months ago when he got in a fight with another dog, and the fucker bit his eye.

But all that being said he would laugh if you told him he was disabled. He has no PTSD and has never met a stranger. If you hung out, he would happily sit in your lap over mine.


Great minds! lol… Does it mess with your sleep? How specifically does it help cognitively? More focus? More mental energy?

She’s a great dog. She’s our first, and having a poodle is like dog-owning on easy mode.

Here she is when she’s better groomed:


Imagine how much more this world would suck without dogs. That’s almost some proof of god shit right there.


Yes, the poodle grooming. She would come home from the groomer’s with a ribbon bow on top of her head and the first thing she did was fight like hell with both paws to get that ribbon off her head, which she always did in short order. Her name was Midnight or Middy. All black. My father named her when he saw her for the first time. Said she was black as midnight. I was in 2nd grade and she fit in my hand and she also peed in my hand and on my lap on the car ride home lol . I guess pee has been the major motif of my posts tonight.


Damn now I want a dog


So I hear that dogs and cats can get covid too. But they aren’t sure if they can transmit it. I have a hunch I might have got it in February. I had a horrible cough and fever and had been to Mass General to accompany my mother to doc appt there. That place was packed. Cafeteria was packed. Homeless people hanging out and sleeping in lobby. It’s a huge hospital. People blowing their noses left and right. I got very sick the day after and was sick with dry, dry cough for a good week, and horrible fever for 2 or 3 days. Must have been Feb 8th to the 15th. Bronchitis, tons of nasal mucous. Think I was wearing patches then.


Guayaquil seems to have a very strong unique connection to Spain and is not handling the outbreak well at all - which is certainly spiking the death rate.

“Team warm weather” doesn’t think that it can’t spread in warm weather, just that it’s not as easy. This is based on scientific studies that show the virus seems to like cold, dry air, and epidemiological observation that the virus seems to be doing to most damage in colder places. Both have been posted itt. One exception in a warm weather place doesn’t necessarily throw all that on its ear.

One would think places like the Philippines and Indonesia would be in bigger trouble than they are if not for some help from warmer weather. They got hit early, they have population density, and their govts aren’t particularly on the ball.

We will hit 100k by the Tuesday after Mother’s Day.

I guess it depends on if you define the first wave as ending before Mother’s Day since some places are opening up some things now?

I say if the water never stops coming in a deluge it is just one big wave.

I don’t have any reason to believe we will see the end of a wave any time soon.

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My introspection of the full deplorable…

God we are fucked

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Has this made anyone else have thoughts of moving to the middle of nowhere? I have entertained doing this for long time but enjoy the city life to much. This has motivated me to finally get out. It put a lot of things in perspective for me. Im not saying I’m going full prepper. I’m just heading for the hills and will build a spot that I can mostly self sustain yet have decent internet service.