COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

It’s also at least somewhat beneficial to our physical well-being to stay on top of all the latest developments here.

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Yes, or at least to the suburbs… But only short-term, til COVID-19 is over… As a current renter, that may be a tough situation to figure out. I’d have to move in the fall, and I’m not real keen on moving mid-outbreak. I’d have to then find a house to rent in order to reap the benefits of being outside the city (take out trash and get mail/packages with no risk, walk/exercise in a yard with no risk).

Short term, I bet I would be better off not knowing what tomorrows death numbers are (assuming I was someone ignorant of long term)

Long term, you have to be seeing what this virus is doing long term. Long term is fucking everything.

Old pet squad unite.

Our tabby is pushing 19. Worried quite often about when we will need to put him down. Seems like he can go to 25 though.


But how much did you lose?

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It’s not about the numbers, it’s more about the latest research into the spread and treatments. I’ve purposely avoided the exact numbers on Philadelphia… I know it’s not great and not as bad as NYC, but I’m not leaving home so it doesn’t do me much good to know.

On the other hand, knowing the latest on spread via air circulation patterns with air conditioning, and the possible treatment methods has a lot of value.

So do the long term projections, as you already said.

I seem to be freaking out once every 4-7 days. I’ll give you all one guess when the last one was.

Yep. My lease is up April 30th. Still haven’t :100: decided what I’m doing.

Mila is a little late for the dog derail, but as you can see she is a pretty lazy dog:





What’s so amazing is that they keep putting out obviously wrong forecasts that are sometimes exceeded in less a week BUT the idiot news and politicians keep quoting it.

Mindfulness helps a lot. I get trolled plenty of times but I just let it ride it past me.


Its hard to not think they are in on it at this point. The model has been used as the underlying evidence to OPEN FOR BUSINESS when it is hard to say we have even peaked anywhere outside of NY.


The markets are open. So fuck social distancing

Damn. Id love a dog. Mrs rugby is allergic unfortunately. To dogs and pretty much everything else…

Anyone ever had experience with the treatment for dog allergies? Apparently takes 6 months of these little shots under your skin?

Some breeds seem to be less. Poodles, Italian greyhounds etc. you’d need for her to spend time with one before just getting one.

Allergy shots help. Though I think once you start it’s years. At least for me as a kid and for the wife now.

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Came across this blog talking about how the IHME model is bad.

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My friend is allergic to cats and his gf is a vet technician. He just takes a claritin every day and is good.

No idea if it’s a big difference between cats n dogs

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Not going to miss the dog derail. Here’s my 9 year old Doodle - Toaster.


This dude loves quarantine.