COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Tonight’s dog field trip (won’t call it a derail) much preferable to the apocalypse one imo.


I blocked my triggers itt for the weekend. Has improved my mood.

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It’s an odd thing, each of us choosing to read this thread, knowing that it’s actively harmful to our mental well-being.

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Someone tell him I was just posting about the dog.

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Wait do I really have to get back on nicotine? Finally got off the lozenges about a year ago after 14 years of smoking and vaping.

Obligatory dog pics. Tic Tac and Olive.


Once again I have to show you people what a real dog looks like.



My chiahuahua can take that dog with two paws tied behind her back. (Or at least she thinks she can, pretty sure she’d back down If actually threatened). Her problem is that she was in rescue foster with big dogs that rolled on their backs and let her win.

She’s just like the 5’5” guy in high school.


In for dog pics


Rox has a lot of anxiety since we’ve all been home.


Lol, I thought about that. New Orleans or Detroit, perhaps. Can’t imagine he’d choose a residency at some bumblefuck hospital where there is no covid. Not sure they choose or are assigned residencies.

I remember having to argue with ikes about his belief that washing your hands after taking a piss wasn’t necessary because “urine is pretty sterile”. And he and others were complaining about bathroom attendants pressuring them to wash their hands upon leaving a restroom. I told him the attendant should have the right to tackle him and make a citizen arrest if he refused to wash his hands. Lol…fun times.


We keep her away from little dogs with Napoleon complexes. She’s never submitted to another dog. She’s never bitten a dog, but she uses her paws a lot and would slap the shit out of fiesty Chihuahua.


I got sad today. My Facebook feed showed me a pic I posted 6 years ago of my little dog. She passed away last July, just shy of her 18th birthday. I still haven’t gotten over it. That was the worst month of my life. I posted about this before (maybe on 2+2) - my best friend died two weeks later.

I took this picture when I was randomly sitting at the dining room table doing work. I’m glad I wasn’t up in my office that day.


We can’t even win our own thread dog derail. Damn you belicheat.



Since we’re all chatting here now and this is somewhat covid related…today was my younger daughter’s bday and her friends did one of those parades where they drove by honking and holding signs. Was very nice.


Id say we at least hear if not see one of those every 2-3 days.

How old is she? If below 16 I sure hope that parents were driving her friends (made me think of my mostly blind Dad driving his own cart to golf in AZ).

She’s 18. Some parents still drove as kids are lame/smart these days and a lot aren’t driving.

I am no longer anyone’s legal guardian. Well, the dog I guess.


I wish I had started reading this thread and the previous one started on Jan 25th a lot sooner. I went back and read a good bit of the previous one and there were many who were way out in front of this, way before the media or gubmint, especially jman. And he took a lot of heat for it. And wookie, of all people, calling people “worry-worts”?


You can just paste a twitter link

I don’t know how to paste images from my phone, only computer. Can you see my dog without access to my whole Google drive? Is my whole Google drive a thing?