The Pets of Unstuck

We give our dogs Proviable probiotics. Seems to help. Little dogs have fairly flaky stomachs. Much less incidence since we added that to the routine a few years ago.


Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope. Nope.


Yeah that was my first thought as well. My wife insisted we watch it.

Got mighty dusty in casa de Canada

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No way. I mute the ads and look away while watching Star Trek.


RIP little dude

Yeah Jon Stewarts segment completely wrecked me knowing this day was right around the corner (I was watching live so had no idea the segment was coming). The line that hit me the hardest was “He was ready. He was tired, but I wasn’t.”

Man I feel that hard


Six months ago we were Leo’s 3rd and probably final chance at a forever home.

How it’s going


We aren’t long to wait around. Typically always had two dogs, but Jack had small dog syndrome. He was the sweetest dog when it came to humans, but picked fights he never should have when it came to other dogs.


Skylar really only seemed anxious for the first 2 hours. The rest was trying to learn to fit in. She looks to be a great girl.


Sigh. So at the ER vet for Leo. We’ve had him 6 months and our vet wanted to started getting him off the trazadone he was on at the rescue kennel.

We were down to 1/2 and he was acting super weird today. Stiff, lethargic, dull eyes, sensitive to touch.

We bumped him back up tonight but was still acting weird. They are going to check to see if he has some other injury we are unaware of as well (something unrelated to the med change).

Perked up on the ride here. Hopefully this is a big nothing burger. We’ve fallen super hard for him.


Herniated disc/pinched nerve. Not related to the trazadone, though the extra 25 mg probably made him feel a bit better

Pain meds and steroids for a week along with limited activity then recheck. Should resolve.

He did get out of our room last night. Perhaps moving the gate or something else he did during the night set it off. He was fine 24 hours ago

Got out of the ER vet for close to the minimum ($300 and 2 hours).

Now we are going to cuddle and watch Shogun.


Great news

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Just found out the cocker spaniel my family had when I was like 0-5 didn’t die, my mom just gave it away so we didn’t have to take care of it. What the hell? My whole life is a lie!

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My high school dog got away and my mom let the people that found him keep him. There was quite a delay between missing and the final admission.

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Thx. Doing better today. Poppy is using his medicated state to get in some cuddles. Leo has been reluctant ever since she told him “I’m going to eat your face” on first meeting. Now she would love to snuggle and he’s like “ but what about that face thing?”


Acting mostly normal now. Whew.


A little under 2 years after losing Apollo, Sputnik’s (grey tabby) time came to go reunite with his best bud. With the help of some meds, the little dude squeezed 5 more great months out after being diagnosed with congestive heart failure.

Very strange feeling to not have something walking on your head in the morning for the first time in 17 years. Couldn’t have asked for a better duo, though.


I’m so sorry.


Deepest sympathies.



Giant wolf on the loose