Council of Captains Discussion Thread

There are adults here.

I’d say the vast majority of posters are reasonable and require zero to very little moderation.

Unfortunately it’s being drowned out right now by all this petty drama, nearly all of which could have been solved if people would just use the mute button on certain posters.


I think I’m right wing too because I don’t think all landlords should die and believe some form of police is probably necessary.

I got invited to the thread about an hour before it was made public. I did not post in it, but I have read pretty much all 1,300 posts that were made prior to it becoming public. There is some vitriol, but not really anything that hasn’t already been posted out in the open. Certainly nothing out of the ordinary for how people talk about a forum and forum members when they talk privately in person, or on discord or slack, or in the old days over skype, aim etc.

I do not want to speak for anyone else, but reading through the thread my impression is that the sentiment is that people want to stay here and continue posting here. There is no push for a mass exodus to another forum, but a desire to find a space on UP where they (and anyone) can post with a model of self-governance that is different than exists in the other sections of the forum.


Except the point people are making is that if you actually read the private messages Fidget’s trolling was a very minor part of it. It wasn’t even the point of the private message group.

bUt ThEiR pMs


How was Sabo’s site supposed to help Unstuck? Was that part of the discussion or just admiring people’s attempts at trolling?

The charitable interpretation is that Sabo’s new venue can be a place to satisfy this need people have for a new community space with different moderation criteria.

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From his post yesterday itt

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How much of a fucking internet loser do you need to be to not get mentioned in this thread?

I’m disappointed in all of you, but I’m really disappointed in myself for not making the cut.

Also, hope you all move past this. I have 9 hour work days with only 2 hours of actual work that i need to fill.


This is a very commendable take. But it should also be acknowledged that this take is not universally shared, at least not in totality.

It is hard to keep track of everything but I think one person who read the thread (after being invited) has withdrawn his candidacy of become forum admin and (I think) has quit the forum. He has written a long post describing his views about the thread so I won’t try to paraphrase. I think another person who read the thread (after being invited) has stepped down from being a forum mod and (I think) has also quit the forum.


I feel ya. Got mentioned twice and the second was quoting the first.

And I don’t even understand why I was referred to the first time.

You are clearly trying to ruin the site and are british


“Said something bad?” lol, well, if you use language that broad, sure, of course, and you know full well I would have. I’ve discussed mod decisions with other mods, and I’ve discussed mod decisions with the many community micromanagers who want to verify independently that the latest mod action was on the up and up. It would be impossible to do so without saying something negative about the target of the action. I don’t generally hurl petty insults at other people in private, but I’m not going to be so bold as to say I’ve literally never done it.

Leaving and/or starting anew? Only to say that I don’t want to.

Speaking only for myself, oreo’s take is saintly in its charity. But, all that stuff is bleached now (even my post in my activity log calling that thread disgusting), and it’s going to be very tedious if not fundamentally impossible to litigate anything about it without a record to refer to, but what the hay, maybe it’s for the best.

I am not sure what is antithetical to your post in my comments that

  1. there is some vitriol
  2. not really anything that hasn’t already been posted out in the open
  3. nothing out of the ordinary for how people talk about a forum and forum members when they talk privately in person, or on discord or slack, or in the old days over skype, aim etc.

People rage quit here all the time based on 2, and re: 3, I’ve read plenty of non-public discussions about mods, forums and posters that are as bad or worse than anything in the council thread.


xposting from the thread that the mods deleted without messaging me.

So recent events got me thinking about some things and I have a few questions for those who were involved in the ‘private’ ~50 person message convo.

  1. were any mods involved in this thread?
  2. if there were no mods, are the people involved in that thread thankful for the contributions of the moderators and admins?
  3. if they are thankful, did they take any issue or criticism with those who clearly stated that they were trolling or fucking with the mods
  4. if they didn’t, do they feel bad about this
  5. if you don’t, how would you feel it it was you

JAQing these questions because my current hypothesis is that ~25-50% of the active members of this forum literally doesn’t care: if it lives or dies; about the moderators admins or the time they spend taking care of this childish ass day care; and will happily move on to ruin the next forum whenever you guys go off to or wherever. Am I wrong about this hypothesis? Will one of fifty people show any regret or shame for not speaking up for the people who waste an inordinate amount of time ensuring that the color schemes of the message board that you spend hours a week on work properly? Do any of you care whether or not the moderation team has to spend hours upon hours a week babysitting adult toddlers, refereeing obvious bad faith arguments when you factually know that someone is doing so because they don’t care about the same place that you spend time?


Hi Goffyballer! I’m flattered you are thinking about me and thank you for the kind words.

This is the post that brought me back.

Not messaged at me directly but I thought it was important to explain that this was not what happened. Especially now since the PM’s have been removed and users are not able to see what happened for themselves.

Peace and love, I appreciate it! You seem to really be growing!


I haven’t really weighed in on this whole saga because I really don’t want to get into pointing fingers of responsibility and big meta conversations about good faith/bad faith, good posters/bad posters etc. But, since you asked questions that can mostly be answered with I statements and personal introspection, I’ll take a crack at answering.

  1. Mod involvement: Pocket Chads was added to the thread very late in the process. Wookie and Skydiver were not added. I don’t think RiskyFlush was added, but, if so, it was also towards the end.

  2. I genuinely appreciate the job the mods do. I don’t agree with every call, but I agree with most, and I know that I personally would never want to do it, so I respect them signing up for the gig. I also appreciate the work the admins put in to keeping the site operational, although (hopefully understandably) I’m pretty upset with jmakin at the moment.

  3. I did not. I did not post at all in the PM thread actually, but, because silence can be seen as assent, I probably should have pushed back.

  4. A bit. I know Jal specifically had mentioned before that he wished I posted more on the forum and I think he was the one who invited me into the PM, so I guess there is some possibility that I might have been able to steer the conversation in a more positive direction. At the time I justified not saying anything because I was trying to “stay out of the fray” and also because I don’t have much of a preexisting personal relationship with the people in the chain that would lead me to believe that my opinion would hold much sway. I still think that last point is true, but I may just be leaning on that as justification.

  5. I’d feel horrible (because I don’t take criticism well), but probably not surprised because most of the criticism had already been expressed publicly by the same posters. It does hit differently when it comes off as an organized campaign though. [And to those that started the PM, even giving the benefit of the doubt that that might not have been the intent at the beginning, reading all 1000+ messages at once has a different impact, especially when the natural human instinct towards confirmation bias means that people who go into the thread assuming you are bad actors are going to be drawn to some of the worst messages].

Tl/dr : here’s my public mea culpa, I’ll respond in a few hrs if anyone has something to say.




I’d comment on this but I’m too scared some creepy weirdo is going to go through my PMs and extort me with all of my dick pics.

Also just lol @ “this is how fascism started” holy fuck.


You could not be further from the truth and this is so wide of the mark, that it is an absurd statement and should be seen as a post that’s meant to hurt, it won’t hurt me because I’ve been brought up by the very people who fought fascism, yes that very fascism that rose in Germany and by hook or by crook, they won and defeated fascists.

A common factor with people who like fascism is that they overreacted to simple problems with feelings instead of using logic and science and lose there sences.

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