Council of Captains Discussion Thread

I am really trying to avoid this whole mess but please please leave the fascism point. There was about a million things that happened before Rolf Q. Germanson stuck his head in the ground to Nazism. The throwing around Nazism comparison stuff should be left to right wingers on 2p2 or to tweets shared in the Republican nutjobs thread here.



You are over reading this whole thing. A bunch of good people wanted to make the forum better and a very few bad people wanted to see it burn. The only fault the good people have is their inability to see the bad people for what they are.


New rule suggestion. When anyone on either side of this weird “divide” we seem to have makes a post like this they have to spell out who they are talking about. Am I a dumb good person or a forum destroying bad person? Or neither. Something like accusations of “bad faith” (which is a phrase I hate but is widely recognised itf) should be specific.

For example. I think sabo made some real questionable purposely provocative moves in this whole thing and I think riskyuk intentionally trying to disrupt the forum was bad form. I think they both had “reasonable” internal justifications (these actions are a response to things done to us) but I personally don’t think those justifications stand up to objective scrutiny. Similarly however I think jman revels in antagonising “his enemies” to use a hyperbolic phrase and seems to relish stirring up old battles and reopening wounds and I think wookie (who is a well intentioned stand up guy by all evidence) has invested a bit too much of his ego into being a mod on a small politics website to the point that it affects his judgement. Again I’m sure they think there are good and noble reasons for their actions (antagonising trolls to force them to show their true troll nature or something).

I personally know that I’m a dumb asshole with no one’s best interests at heart which is great because it frees me from having to invent justifications for all the dumb shit I post.


I love the story being painted that everybody included in the PM was automatically implicit in whatever game they think fidget was playing because we didn’t push back against it, but then it’s pointed out that “just a few” wanted to see positive change. Shouldn’t I be included in the positive change group too since I didn’t push back against it? Or is this just more of the same old bad faith shit that permeates much of the forum?

I’ll step up and own my remarks in the thread unapologetically. It doesn’t make me a coward in any way. What is cowardly is Zara waiting until I self banned to raise her first ever accusation of misogyny against me when she knows damn well that misogyny was never the root or ever a part of our many arguments.

It’s also nonsense for some to claim that there shouldn’t be any expectation to a right to privacy in a 50+ person PM. That is nonsense on it’s face, but also considering that many remarks were made when there was a much smaller number of people involved. I for one had no idea that Potato Head was going to go all Alice in Wonderland on us and invite half the forum. But to be fair, I had already considered that there was a strong chance Jmakin was already reading PMs, and chose to let mine ride anyway.

Was I posting in bad faith in the PM? I guess yes and no, or perhaps sometimes is a better way of putting it. Part of me wants the old forum experience back, and part of me wants it to burn. I have very bitter feelings about many people in this “community”. The hypocrisy is gross. My own conduct over the last year is embarrassing and gross. What I’ve learned about propaganda and human nature and myself from both participating and throwing punches and from stepping back and observing is disheartening and demoralizing. Not being able to change myself after observing the whole mess is probably the biggest kick in the nuts.

In any case, most of the 50 people (or whatever the number was) were invited at the very tail end. Most probably never read half of the thread. The thread was more like a sub-forum, with many different ideas and conversations evolving and going on in parallel, and with people being added at various times, mostly at the very tail end. I had no idea WTF the point of the OP or the thread was when I got invited. It turned out it was about a lot of different things and it evolved over time. My thoughts ranged from wanting things to burn to wanting to give Johnny’s idea a chance to succeed. Mostly it felt good to have a space to vent a little bit. None of the handful of people I vented against would be surprised about my thoughts about them, as I’ve publicly said as much enough times to be told to STFU about it dozens of times. (Except perhaps ZZ, who I got pissed off at much more recently.)

And this bullshit about “why didn’t Johnny just asked the good Wookie nicely” is quite a lark. I mean when the idea was floated, Saint Wookie immediately fired up the propaganda machine and painted it as a ghetto full of racists and misogynists being rewarded for whining and trouble making. Wookie please ban yourself for bad faith sir.

Anyway, I’ll own my behavior, both good and bad. But everybody should really understand that the PM was a fairly small group until the very end (and I was invited more toward the middle or end) and there were lots of different conversations going on and certainly everybody wasn’t in some kind of coordinated lockstep toward whatever the worse thing everybody can imagine about their enemies was. And most of the participants thought this Captains name was just as ridiculous as the main forum does.

That’s all I’m going to say about it. I look forward to goofy picking out snippets to paint me in the worst light possible, and for a bunch of other people to chime in and tell me to STFU but then admit they haven’t read any of this shit but know the mods are awesome, and profess how they really hate drama even though they show up in every one of these threads flinging insults as good as they get.


Can self banned users creat gimmicks to get around the ban or should I keep reporting these?

Asked and answered, self bans are offered with the understanding the poster can come back on the initial or new account.


What I know is that you:

  1. Rage quit
  2. Convinced Micro to permaban you without waiting two weeks because of, reasons.
  3. Came back under a gimmick.
  4. Immediately began blasting one of the mods to the point that the mod quit.
  5. And you’re still complaining.

For those of you in the breakaway group: You aren’t that significant. Come back if you want. Stay away if you want. No one really cares.


I’m going to take time out of my day just to tell everyone they are not significant.

I’m going to tell you all I don’t care even though I am taking time out of my day to tell you that.

I may even add a timeline of events even though I don’t care I have been keeping track.

But I don’t care. No one does really!


So is it a massive 50+ person conspiracy to overthrow the kingdom or a tiny splinter group that no one cares if they stay or go?

You’ve been so angry lately.


Self-banning and then creating a new account to circumvent the self-ban should lead to a 3 month IP ban. Clearly some time away from this forum is in your best interest if you can’t even deal with a ban that you asked for on yourself


This is like a 3rd level self-own. Lol. Thanks for making me smile today.

Who are you? If I have to ask that are you owning anything? Your reply seems at least somewhat sincere. Do you regret any of this? How do you think that the forum can solve these problems without banning the offenders until they can learn better manners? Can you manage to write a concise reply that leaves no question as to whether or not you are in favor of the betterment of the forum? Are you willing to accept a temp ban if that is what is best for the forum? Are you just here to play more games because you don’t get the attention that you need irl?

Serious questions and not attacks.

Some of the people asking for temporary self bans should ask to be silenced instead of suspended so they can still read the forum and respond to PMs without being able to post.


Your posts are unhelpful, full of presumption that you treat as fact and appear to be, drumroll, trolling attempts.

Are you not getting enough attention irl that you feel compelled to spam threads with the same post over and over?


I agree. We shouldn’t be vague as it might cause others to think they are targeted when they are not. I support this rule.

I didn’t mention names only because I assumed they were obvious.

I believe the only two in the PM acting in bad faith were Sabo and jal.

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FFS. Anyone who wants to be a member of this forum should be considered a member. If you want to kill participation from newbs keep letting them know their opinion will never matter as much as someone who found this place before them.

If you don’t want input from everyone here put shit to a vote and you’ll limit participation by over 50% but don’t start creating classes of posters based on bullshit metrics.


Damn, bro, that harshes my mellow.

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Turn that frown upside-down.

Rummy is dead!


Even though I don’t think your response is entirely in good faith, I’ll respond to some of it.

I actually carefully considered quitting for a long time, did it by PM rather than some dramatic drama queen bullshit, and honestly intended to stay away permanently. I’m not the first who tried and didn’t.

It was my understanding that I could ask for my account to be re-opened or create a new one at any time. My understanding was that this was ok provided I wasn’t posting under two accounts at the same time. I made it obvious that the new account was me. (Had I chosen another name, people would have been guessing and I would again have been accused of being a drama queen or assigned some other motive.) I’m fine with mods/admins closing this one and re-opening my original if they want to bother with the effort.

I have no idea what you’re talking about in regards to blasting a mod and making them quit.

People ITT were accusing participants of the PM thread of being cowards and not answering for whatever transgressions, both real and imagined, that they were guilty of. There were a lot of questions, but perhaps I misread and they were only rhetorical or (gasp) just trolling and in bad faith. I obviously don’t believe I’m any more or less significant than anyone else here and was just sharing my thoughts. But thanks for letting me know where things stand with you. And speak for yourself as some people obviously do care.

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Didn’t you viciously and repeatedly go after RiskyFlush as soon as you reappeared here?

If that wasn’t you, then I’m genuinely sorry about that statement.

P.S. Out of curiosity, why would you believe you could return from a self-ban whenever you wanted? I don’t recall seeing any threads about self-ban reversal before you left.

Or did Micro simply tell you this, since he already had gone rogue by granting the permaban without making you wait the customary two weeks?

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Fwiw, they did ask for another subforum, they were told they could have it if they completed a process that had no chance of being completed.

I don’t see how they could be considered serious while asking for Wookiee to step down as literally no one wants to mod. For sure no one in the pm did. Hell, they’d even brag about never reporting a post, as in, even spending two seconds to help the mods was below them.