Council of Captains Discussion Thread

We’re about to add 3-4 mods with almost no effort to ask around. Wookie could step down with no interruption. He enjoys modding so he won’t.


Well, at least the dishonesty is consistent. Just ignoring gestures at all of this and what happened before is absurd.


I reread the post that I replied to and can appreciate its honesty. Which ever mystery poster it was accepts they did somethings wrong and that is enough for me. I honestly could care less about my forum reading experience. You guys have barely interacted with me ever. I probably have 5x the number of posts that I have liked than posts that I have made myself. Why would I bother to post a bunch any way with how cliche most of you are, you won’t even reply.

I get nothing from attention in threads like these and don’t value it at all. I have a small group of personal friends that I interact with IRL and choose explicitly not to have a large group of friends. I’ve never lived by what others wanted me to do, been in many situations were people I interacted with on a daily basis treated me with scorn, why would I live in the perceptions of others when I have thought and reason to make decisions. I live with forgiveness in my heart, I have empathy for those who live their life with disdain. I am not a troll, because I don’t care what you think, I do not serve disorder and my word means more to me than money.

However, I DO care how others treat my friends. I do care when I see weak ass bullies cowering together picking on people who they know do care about their opinions, grouping together and pretending to be friends with my friend and then singling them out as a group. I don’t expect you, the community, my friends or myself to be perfect, but if people are picking on and bullying my friends then I’m sure to point it out. If there is a lot of evidence of this bullying and noone feels bad about anything then why would it be unreasonable for me to feel defensive!

Moderating and admining a place like this often sucks and probably the mods mostly want to like most of the posters here. I say this because I have moderated non-politics before myself. I don’t think mods are a monolith or infallible, but if you/others don’t have any concern for them why are you here? If someone is here, hates the mods, wants to start problems and pick on people, why do you want them here? If that’s not your intention buts its reasonable to mistake you for this, why don’t you want to clear up you intention?

I don’t have time to read thousands and thousands of posts of history dynamic and a lot of this stuff only the two involved in any situation can know all of the history. But if you don’t have a simple attempt at empathy and the situational awareness to know whats up than how is this going to get fixed? I’d suggest that first, ask yourself what YOU feel. Then, ask yourself what THEY feel. Then, close your eyes, imagine a happy ending to this situation and try to find a path to that place.


At least this has all been a big boon to the community’s health


Sorry I’ll add some more content:

Considering you just admitted to stopping beating your wife, how do you feel about it?


You’re one of the bullies in his post. You should shut up more when people are talking about how your behavior affects them.

So we are setting up a safe space for the Council of Captains here? That seems like a huge mistake based on how their excellent offshoot is going.

Anyways bring on the abuse captains. Someone can quote this in 3 months like Wookie quoted me predicting this shitshow 9 months ago and nothing will ever change.


Indeed, he should.

No I didn’t viciously and repeatedly go after RF.

As far as my self ban, to the best of my memory, I emailed micro and asked him to perm ban me. I told him to just do it right away, as there was no way I was changing my mind as I had been considering it for a while. And in any case, if I changed my mind, I could always ask for my account to be re-opened or start a new account. Micro said he couldn’t do a perm ban himself, so he copied Jmakin into the email because an admin had to do it. Jmakin agreed with my request, and I believe that he actually executed the ban. My main concern in banning my account versus just leaving is that I didn’t want to leave an open account and have to worry about it possibly getting hacked. I did not request a deletion or any anonymizing of my posting. I did this by email to avoid a goodbye love letter drama queen situation, even though I was then accused of doing exactly that, and that false narrative has somehow become an accepted fact. (I also took a few days to PM people that I had long term bets with to give them my personal contact info for settling up in the future.)

In my mind anyway, it’s always been clearly understood that taking a self perm in good standing did not prevent coming back. Otherwise, why not just make any of these requests an IP ban? In most cases, including mine, some people openly hoped that the person taking the self perm would eventually return. And it was always assumed that they were welcome to. But I guess start a poll to have me permed if you feel differently.

I think this new thing with many people on self temps coming back and posting only came about due to the massive drama fest happening right after several prominent members self temped. There seems to be people on “both sides” doing it, so whatever measures taken (if any) should be applied consistently.


Imagine actually using safe space to try to insult people. Ok Ben Shapiro.

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I wasn’t part of the PM’s buddy.

If you would of read them maybe you would have some clue as to what is going on.

I can’t imagine having such a strong opinion about something without actually knowing anything about it. It is exactly like trumpers talking about emails without actually reading them. Come on buddy, you are better than that.

I also can’t imagine whining as much as you have. Take a breath buddy, it will be ok.

Are you literally just making shit up now? I don’t know who is even considered part of the counsel (And I actually took the time to read the PMs!) but I’m pretty sure 80% plus we’re using their original account.

Wait, you have been making shit up the whole time. By definition you had to since you didn’t read anything.

Actually the people calling to ban people they don’t like are literally doing this. Come on bubs, think a little harder.

Bubs, you rage posted calling people names and you are telling me to grow up. Come on bubs.

I guess I’m more powerful than I ever imagine?

Yeah, you could stop posting as well bubs.

This might be one of the weirdest post I have seen.


lol Jfc a lot of you talk like right wingers, really makes you think

And what excellent offshoot are you talking about, where has that happened?


WichitaDM used to vote for the GOP in the past & has admitted to doing so on this board.

Lol, trouble in the new “paradise,” looks like Sabo is pissed that keeeed invited other forum members to his super serious business revolutionary pm thread:



I think all the participants in that thread are Sabo

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Yeah I checked out the site shared because I was interested in the actual content but I was confused as to whether any of the accounts were non sabo posters.

Can we not feed the trolls, either sabo or jman. Both appear to love this chaos and are going out of their way to feed it.

Let’s not help them.

Jman should be temp banned for that post.

There is no reason to be copying stupid crap from a known troll site here except to cause more fighting.

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For future reference can you let the forum know what is acceptable to discuss in private so as not to upset you? TIA


We need flame war threads. One member vs another. They take shots at each other and we vote on who gets to stay after it’s done.

It’d be The Colosseum only involving overly online middle-aged man children instead of gladiators. Hell, the Commodus gimmick can return.


Imagine being such a fucking simpleton that one doesn’t even realize how calling attention to this puts a whole monkey wrench in the “councils of captains in cahoots trying to destroy the forum” notions.

I interspersed your out, btw, you’re welcome in advance.

As a bonus, anybody want to tell Jman And Co are the little trump/Comeys in this scenario? I mean, they obviously know somewhere inside, hence, this, but maybe somebody can do them a kindness and rip the bandaid off.