Let's discuss fidgetUK’s ban

Bad read.

It starts here.


CN “disagrees” with Wookie here:

If fidget is proud of that, it’s a lot like Donald Trump being proud of how much wall he built.


Lol, that doesn’t help fidget and the council of captains, honestly it just makes them seem more pathetic.

I’m going to bow out again but I just don’t get how some of you can argue about this for months and never just say fuck it. I’ve broken up with girlfriends for getting mad I smoke weed (and even less) and not wanting to deal with their shit. If you are that mad here all the time I don’t understand why you would stay unless you just like pissing off other people or always need to be right.


If the situation was reversed, you’d probably think jal is capable of creating a double-fake second gimmick account to make it look like someone is impersonating him.

I think you answered your own question.


I mean, given the amount of effort and thought the captain’s council apparently put into their trolling, I’m sure you’re right.

He was also talking about you

This guy figured it out. The constant drama isn’t a bug, it is the feature that the same handful of folks have gotten off on forever now, and that’s just not going to change.

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I really try to avoid it and watch from afar but today is a whole nother level. Working to try and make the site better by checks notes, making gimmick accounts to vote on shit. Oh, great work trying to make it better. That’s beyond trollish behavior lol. Some people need to seek help imo.

Really hoping @goreo gets around to ip checking that gimmick account.

Would you say the same of the account that voted with the realDonaldTrump account?

I’m addicted to internet drama. Meta-politics is way more fun than actual politics. I’m just more of a voyeur then an actual participant. Please, everyone, carry on while I masturbate.


Lol, voting with a gimmick account which is obviously a gimmick is not even in the same trolling universe as making a gimmick account pretending to be another poster for the sole purpose of stirring up more drama. DUCY?

The second jman account is just as transparently a puppet account. Seems like a good analogy to me.

It’s not transparently a puppet account at all. Jalfrezi tried to convince you all that it was me using a second account. Nobody thinks Donald Trump is voting here.



No one thought you were honestly trying to hoodwink us with two accounts named jman either. Come on, man.

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Lol, no shit. So you admit @Jalfrezi was just trolling when he tried to present that as fact?


@jman220reading is this the post? He didn’t accuse you of anything.