Let's discuss fidgetUK’s ban


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I love Marty’s non mod related (weed thread) posts but every time he a bit fired up it’s:

Racism ban

(not really)

Marty comes in so hot off his bans I imagine him pregaming for a few hours before in preparation.

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This. Does anyone really think if he cools off for a few weeks, apologizes, and doesn’t pull shit again that he won’t be let back in?

Maybe we should just call these indefinite bans. Because barring stuff like IRL doxxing or threatening violence - that’s what they are.

Also FFS with the pearl-clutching about private PMs. It was a 50-person group chat that created an in-group/out-group dynamic, and the rest of the forum knew was happening.

Anyone posting on that thread who didn’t consider the very real possibility that it would get out is delusional.


I don’t understand how you basically call him a cancer yet think he shouldn’t be permabanned.

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Sort of a broader discussion about the site and its history that I don’t really feel will be useful to opine on.

Not meant as a personal shot at moderators,I’m certain I’d have been much less restrained in that role

Also while I’m ranting jman vs jal is the most tiresome thing on this site. Your endless squabble should be confined to a containment thread and you should be perma-d if you break containment.


Haha, cats out of the bag for all of the not-cool-kids. I for one dgaf and am glad so that I have one less thread to scroll.

It was fidget, coming back on a deceptive gimmick to vote for his own ban. I’m sure jal hadn’t been tipped off or anything to try to impugn #TeamBan with malfeasance.


Which means that @Jalfrezi certainly knew that as well when he posted it. Lol.

But it wasn’t at first. That is the key distinction. People had an expectation of privacy.

If you think it’s ok to post the private messages that happened after 50 people joined that is different.

Even if the private messages were not posted just reading the messages is a major violation of power and trust.

It’s not pearl clutching. It’s an admin being deranged and violating the trust people had in them.

The ridiculous thing about it is the admin is acting like it’s a gotcha but if you actually read the messages it is the equivalent of Trumpers getting excited about Faucis emails.


Put another way, we didn’t have any expectation of privacy from the people we (OK, I, mostly) invited to the chat. That doesn’t at all inform the question of an administrator reading the thread and then making it public without having been invited.


Don’t beat yourself up, you played it exceptionally well. You were like Sulla who talked entire armies away from opposing generals.

Sad thing is I always had a soft spot for Marius.

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Dude he was like mod for life of Rome, 7 consulships. drakedon’twant.gif

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But seriously, if I’m such a cunning, powerful and influential troll, you guys should let us open our subforum: I’ll build a community of civility and respect, all just to show it can be done and make my haters furious.



You can just go start your own place. It’s beyond idiocy to give more to a guy who participated in a campaign to sow discord here so that he has more of a platform to do the same.


I am neither for nor against a subforum. I’m open to the idea, pending a good proposal for what it will look like. I’m currently not willing to support some sort of ad hoc, figure-it-out-as-we-go effort.