Council of Captains Discussion Thread

You are clearly trying to ruin the site and are british


“Said something bad?” lol, well, if you use language that broad, sure, of course, and you know full well I would have. I’ve discussed mod decisions with other mods, and I’ve discussed mod decisions with the many community micromanagers who want to verify independently that the latest mod action was on the up and up. It would be impossible to do so without saying something negative about the target of the action. I don’t generally hurl petty insults at other people in private, but I’m not going to be so bold as to say I’ve literally never done it.

Leaving and/or starting anew? Only to say that I don’t want to.

Speaking only for myself, oreo’s take is saintly in its charity. But, all that stuff is bleached now (even my post in my activity log calling that thread disgusting), and it’s going to be very tedious if not fundamentally impossible to litigate anything about it without a record to refer to, but what the hay, maybe it’s for the best.

I am not sure what is antithetical to your post in my comments that

  1. there is some vitriol
  2. not really anything that hasn’t already been posted out in the open
  3. nothing out of the ordinary for how people talk about a forum and forum members when they talk privately in person, or on discord or slack, or in the old days over skype, aim etc.

People rage quit here all the time based on 2, and re: 3, I’ve read plenty of non-public discussions about mods, forums and posters that are as bad or worse than anything in the council thread.


xposting from the thread that the mods deleted without messaging me.

So recent events got me thinking about some things and I have a few questions for those who were involved in the ‘private’ ~50 person message convo.

  1. were any mods involved in this thread?
  2. if there were no mods, are the people involved in that thread thankful for the contributions of the moderators and admins?
  3. if they are thankful, did they take any issue or criticism with those who clearly stated that they were trolling or fucking with the mods
  4. if they didn’t, do they feel bad about this
  5. if you don’t, how would you feel it it was you

JAQing these questions because my current hypothesis is that ~25-50% of the active members of this forum literally doesn’t care: if it lives or dies; about the moderators admins or the time they spend taking care of this childish ass day care; and will happily move on to ruin the next forum whenever you guys go off to or wherever. Am I wrong about this hypothesis? Will one of fifty people show any regret or shame for not speaking up for the people who waste an inordinate amount of time ensuring that the color schemes of the message board that you spend hours a week on work properly? Do any of you care whether or not the moderation team has to spend hours upon hours a week babysitting adult toddlers, refereeing obvious bad faith arguments when you factually know that someone is doing so because they don’t care about the same place that you spend time?


Hi Goffyballer! I’m flattered you are thinking about me and thank you for the kind words.

This is the post that brought me back.

Not messaged at me directly but I thought it was important to explain that this was not what happened. Especially now since the PM’s have been removed and users are not able to see what happened for themselves.

Peace and love, I appreciate it! You seem to really be growing!


I haven’t really weighed in on this whole saga because I really don’t want to get into pointing fingers of responsibility and big meta conversations about good faith/bad faith, good posters/bad posters etc. But, since you asked questions that can mostly be answered with I statements and personal introspection, I’ll take a crack at answering.

  1. Mod involvement: Pocket Chads was added to the thread very late in the process. Wookie and Skydiver were not added. I don’t think RiskyFlush was added, but, if so, it was also towards the end.

  2. I genuinely appreciate the job the mods do. I don’t agree with every call, but I agree with most, and I know that I personally would never want to do it, so I respect them signing up for the gig. I also appreciate the work the admins put in to keeping the site operational, although (hopefully understandably) I’m pretty upset with jmakin at the moment.

  3. I did not. I did not post at all in the PM thread actually, but, because silence can be seen as assent, I probably should have pushed back.

  4. A bit. I know Jal specifically had mentioned before that he wished I posted more on the forum and I think he was the one who invited me into the PM, so I guess there is some possibility that I might have been able to steer the conversation in a more positive direction. At the time I justified not saying anything because I was trying to “stay out of the fray” and also because I don’t have much of a preexisting personal relationship with the people in the chain that would lead me to believe that my opinion would hold much sway. I still think that last point is true, but I may just be leaning on that as justification.

  5. I’d feel horrible (because I don’t take criticism well), but probably not surprised because most of the criticism had already been expressed publicly by the same posters. It does hit differently when it comes off as an organized campaign though. [And to those that started the PM, even giving the benefit of the doubt that that might not have been the intent at the beginning, reading all 1000+ messages at once has a different impact, especially when the natural human instinct towards confirmation bias means that people who go into the thread assuming you are bad actors are going to be drawn to some of the worst messages].

Tl/dr : here’s my public mea culpa, I’ll respond in a few hrs if anyone has something to say.




I’d comment on this but I’m too scared some creepy weirdo is going to go through my PMs and extort me with all of my dick pics.

Also just lol @ “this is how fascism started” holy fuck.


You could not be further from the truth and this is so wide of the mark, that it is an absurd statement and should be seen as a post that’s meant to hurt, it won’t hurt me because I’ve been brought up by the very people who fought fascism, yes that very fascism that rose in Germany and by hook or by crook, they won and defeated fascists.

A common factor with people who like fascism is that they overreacted to simple problems with feelings instead of using logic and science and lose there sences.

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I am really trying to avoid this whole mess but please please leave the fascism point. There was about a million things that happened before Rolf Q. Germanson stuck his head in the ground to Nazism. The throwing around Nazism comparison stuff should be left to right wingers on 2p2 or to tweets shared in the Republican nutjobs thread here.



You are over reading this whole thing. A bunch of good people wanted to make the forum better and a very few bad people wanted to see it burn. The only fault the good people have is their inability to see the bad people for what they are.


New rule suggestion. When anyone on either side of this weird “divide” we seem to have makes a post like this they have to spell out who they are talking about. Am I a dumb good person or a forum destroying bad person? Or neither. Something like accusations of “bad faith” (which is a phrase I hate but is widely recognised itf) should be specific.

For example. I think sabo made some real questionable purposely provocative moves in this whole thing and I think riskyuk intentionally trying to disrupt the forum was bad form. I think they both had “reasonable” internal justifications (these actions are a response to things done to us) but I personally don’t think those justifications stand up to objective scrutiny. Similarly however I think jman revels in antagonising “his enemies” to use a hyperbolic phrase and seems to relish stirring up old battles and reopening wounds and I think wookie (who is a well intentioned stand up guy by all evidence) has invested a bit too much of his ego into being a mod on a small politics website to the point that it affects his judgement. Again I’m sure they think there are good and noble reasons for their actions (antagonising trolls to force them to show their true troll nature or something).

I personally know that I’m a dumb asshole with no one’s best interests at heart which is great because it frees me from having to invent justifications for all the dumb shit I post.


I love the story being painted that everybody included in the PM was automatically implicit in whatever game they think fidget was playing because we didn’t push back against it, but then it’s pointed out that “just a few” wanted to see positive change. Shouldn’t I be included in the positive change group too since I didn’t push back against it? Or is this just more of the same old bad faith shit that permeates much of the forum?

I’ll step up and own my remarks in the thread unapologetically. It doesn’t make me a coward in any way. What is cowardly is Zara waiting until I self banned to raise her first ever accusation of misogyny against me when she knows damn well that misogyny was never the root or ever a part of our many arguments.

It’s also nonsense for some to claim that there shouldn’t be any expectation to a right to privacy in a 50+ person PM. That is nonsense on it’s face, but also considering that many remarks were made when there was a much smaller number of people involved. I for one had no idea that Potato Head was going to go all Alice in Wonderland on us and invite half the forum. But to be fair, I had already considered that there was a strong chance Jmakin was already reading PMs, and chose to let mine ride anyway.

Was I posting in bad faith in the PM? I guess yes and no, or perhaps sometimes is a better way of putting it. Part of me wants the old forum experience back, and part of me wants it to burn. I have very bitter feelings about many people in this “community”. The hypocrisy is gross. My own conduct over the last year is embarrassing and gross. What I’ve learned about propaganda and human nature and myself from both participating and throwing punches and from stepping back and observing is disheartening and demoralizing. Not being able to change myself after observing the whole mess is probably the biggest kick in the nuts.

In any case, most of the 50 people (or whatever the number was) were invited at the very tail end. Most probably never read half of the thread. The thread was more like a sub-forum, with many different ideas and conversations evolving and going on in parallel, and with people being added at various times, mostly at the very tail end. I had no idea WTF the point of the OP or the thread was when I got invited. It turned out it was about a lot of different things and it evolved over time. My thoughts ranged from wanting things to burn to wanting to give Johnny’s idea a chance to succeed. Mostly it felt good to have a space to vent a little bit. None of the handful of people I vented against would be surprised about my thoughts about them, as I’ve publicly said as much enough times to be told to STFU about it dozens of times. (Except perhaps ZZ, who I got pissed off at much more recently.)

And this bullshit about “why didn’t Johnny just asked the good Wookie nicely” is quite a lark. I mean when the idea was floated, Saint Wookie immediately fired up the propaganda machine and painted it as a ghetto full of racists and misogynists being rewarded for whining and trouble making. Wookie please ban yourself for bad faith sir.

Anyway, I’ll own my behavior, both good and bad. But everybody should really understand that the PM was a fairly small group until the very end (and I was invited more toward the middle or end) and there were lots of different conversations going on and certainly everybody wasn’t in some kind of coordinated lockstep toward whatever the worse thing everybody can imagine about their enemies was. And most of the participants thought this Captains name was just as ridiculous as the main forum does.

That’s all I’m going to say about it. I look forward to goofy picking out snippets to paint me in the worst light possible, and for a bunch of other people to chime in and tell me to STFU but then admit they haven’t read any of this shit but know the mods are awesome, and profess how they really hate drama even though they show up in every one of these threads flinging insults as good as they get.


Can self banned users creat gimmicks to get around the ban or should I keep reporting these?

Asked and answered, self bans are offered with the understanding the poster can come back on the initial or new account.


What I know is that you:

  1. Rage quit
  2. Convinced Micro to permaban you without waiting two weeks because of, reasons.
  3. Came back under a gimmick.
  4. Immediately began blasting one of the mods to the point that the mod quit.
  5. And you’re still complaining.

For those of you in the breakaway group: You aren’t that significant. Come back if you want. Stay away if you want. No one really cares.


I’m going to take time out of my day just to tell everyone they are not significant.

I’m going to tell you all I don’t care even though I am taking time out of my day to tell you that.

I may even add a timeline of events even though I don’t care I have been keeping track.

But I don’t care. No one does really!


So is it a massive 50+ person conspiracy to overthrow the kingdom or a tiny splinter group that no one cares if they stay or go?

You’ve been so angry lately.


Self-banning and then creating a new account to circumvent the self-ban should lead to a 3 month IP ban. Clearly some time away from this forum is in your best interest if you can’t even deal with a ban that you asked for on yourself


This is like a 3rd level self-own. Lol. Thanks for making me smile today.