Council of Captains Discussion Thread

I think all the participants in that thread are Sabo

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Yeah I checked out the site shared because I was interested in the actual content but I was confused as to whether any of the accounts were non sabo posters.

Can we not feed the trolls, either sabo or jman. Both appear to love this chaos and are going out of their way to feed it.

Let’s not help them.

Jman should be temp banned for that post.

There is no reason to be copying stupid crap from a known troll site here except to cause more fighting.

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For future reference can you let the forum know what is acceptable to discuss in private so as not to upset you? TIA


We need flame war threads. One member vs another. They take shots at each other and we vote on who gets to stay after it’s done.

It’d be The Colosseum only involving overly online middle-aged man children instead of gladiators. Hell, the Commodus gimmick can return.


Imagine being such a fucking simpleton that one doesn’t even realize how calling attention to this puts a whole monkey wrench in the “councils of captains in cahoots trying to destroy the forum” notions.

I interspersed your out, btw, you’re welcome in advance.

As a bonus, anybody want to tell Jman And Co are the little trump/Comeys in this scenario? I mean, they obviously know somewhere inside, hence, this, but maybe somebody can do them a kindness and rip the bandaid off.


JT, I have 700 posts so feel free to tell me to gfy, but you have the causation of the moderation enforcement totally flipped. Increased moderation happened because a large percentage of the forum was already sick of the fighting that was taking over every thread. It wasn’t a one time thing but something that continued for several months. Maybe the bans made it worse, they clearly didn’t make things better, but it was a noble effort and it’s just as likely that we were heading towards this regardless. You say that you want everyone here, but what that really means is that you want anyone who is not turned off by being called a scumbag, piece of shit, right-winger, ignorant American, baby-killer, warmonger, seeing racist or sexist language, or being told to fuck off over and over again by a group backed by the two most high-value, high-content, most respected posters on this board. You may want everyone to be here, but you definitely don’t care about everyone feeling welcome here. It’s so weird to see someone like Victor or Whatevs described as targets of bullying, when like there’s a reason why they get constant heat but not you or MysteryConman or AllinFlynn. No one on either side (except Clovis) will ever have a “are we the baddies” moment I guess.

Consequently as far as the drama, it’s barely been mentioned but this is so obviously a continuation of the liberal vs. leftist feud that’s been plaguing American politics. It’s not at all unique to this forum, neither in tone nor in substance. It’s the same shit that created a massive rift during the primaries and the same shit that’s causing Jimmy Dore to attack AOC and the squad in recent months. Not a coincidence that Keed got brought into the fold at the same time that Greenwald cements his anti-Democrat rampage, nor that Goofy switched sides right as people like Nathan Robinson started pushing back on the more extreme nonsense. Or why JT is so disappointed by Wichita in particular. Definitely not a coincidence that what finally broke the forum was Chads stabbing his fellow anarchist in the stomach Jon Snow style.

Anyway I’m mostly just a lurker so whatever, but I do love this forum and continue to want to see it and leftist politics in general succeed. :v:


I never actually voted for the GOP. My first time voting was in 2008 for Obama. So this is just a flat out lie that I have talked about voting for the GOP in the past. What I said was that I was raised in a right wing family listening to Limbaugh/Hannity/etc. It took a long time for that brainwashing to wear off. I guess that makes me a very bad person who deserves to be treated like a right wing operative here or something.

But hey whatever you guys need to tell yourselves to make it all ok. I’m sure deep down I’m a right winger still who is just here in bad faith. I mean come the fuck on with this nonsense.

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Thanks for the clarification, sorry I misremembered.

That’s what I said, I said that even WichitaDM seen the error after be brought up by right-wingers his whole life and managed to see what thay were and change.

Again, sorry for the above post by me saying you Had voted for them, that’s my bad.

And sorry for bringing/using yourself as what I believe to be an example of being able to change your mind as that was the basis of the question before put forth.

"Can posters change? " my Answer was Yes and used you as the example, sorry for doing so WichitaDM and at no point did I say you were still right-wing or posted equivalent to a rightwinger.

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you miss one day of twitter discourse and you’re buried, trust me

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I don’t think that’s entirely accurate. There are “leftist” guys like Chads and MC that don’t seem to be a source of much drama and play nicely with everyone. Keed’s politics are kneejerk contrarianism in the Iglesias/Greenwald mold. The shitlib vs. tankie rivalry is certainly a nucleation point for conflict, but it’s not what’s ultimately making this place toxic.


This is untrue!


He’s gaslighting you, I think the mods should ban him for this bad faith trolling


So I just went and read went what you are talking about because I didn’t see the first time in FrenchBBV. Wookie was skeptical, understandable given the history of “Unchained,” but you seemed to be well on the way to getting what you wanted once he understood what the ask was.

Things derailed for like a 100 posts re: litigating past history when Wookie asked for a promise from SK and other Captains to leave him alone in the main forum after the sub forum was setup but it was relatively civil by this forum’s standards.

See no reason you can’t get the sub forum.

Spoiler please, WTF…


I literally posted a quote from the council of captains circle-jerk forum in the “checks notes” “Council of Captains Discussion Thread,” but you feel free to keep punching left, Chamberlain. Maybe after the 12th or 13th time you get played for a fool you’ll learn your lesson, but probably not.


I don’t know if you’ve seen A Man For All Seasons but Clovis is giving me the Roper vibes atm (not that Clovis is a heretic lol but let’s hope when his head stops turning it’s facing the front again)

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I don’t know. I’m ok with Jman spending time over there.

It’s a big win for Sabo and the community here.

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You should also be temp banned for this post. You are spreading disinformation in order to stir the pot. There is no Captains forum. As you know from reading it, it is Sabo’s personal site that has maybe 100 total posts lifetime. Probably 85 are his, 10 are micro’s, and 5 are mine. I had a nice chat with Sabo yesterday about whether Kirk or Picard are more like Sean Connery.

Such insurrection.


Can we get a morphimus meme here? one time?