RFC: No thread on this site should be throttled without a really good reason

I’m not sure that’s accurate. Everyone agreed to stop using it if it was offensive to some people. What was disputed was whether it’s a sexist term or not everywhere in the world as it is in the US, and people didn’t like being told about their own vernacular by people who don’t understand it.

But let’s not go there again.

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91% is a pretty good sign that you just need to put up with it or go elsewhere. Or you could just try to burn the place down out of spite.


Stop. Jman was banned yesterday for spreading this disinformation (in conjunction with a personal attack). We don’t need imaginary conflicts on top of the real ones.

I thought Wookie didn’t ban his friends? Continuing to claim that seems like disinformation to me.

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Disputed to the point of causing rage. Which is stupid. Just behave like adults and move on.

This proposal doesn’t seem to have community support, as cassette has acknowledged. Maybe it would be best to just leave this thread alone.

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Did you not get the link to Sabo’s new Wookie-free forum? I can pm it to you if you’d like.

What? Please quote my constant attacks, nagging, stabbing him in the back or withdraw this comment.

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I think both sides would probably agree in hindsight that ideally it would have gone

NAers: That word is deeply offensive because it’s sexist here
Euros: Ok, we’ll stop using it in your presence


Oh, so who was largely vocal about it at the time and actually did coordinate, in the open political sense? I’d say no of course not, don’t forget that, but do assume that things evolve and people who cared more at the time don’t now, and vice versa, and that the people who cared then might have different nuanced concerns now, etc.

Ok, this was my bad, I was unclear. When I said “how the PM Thread worked” I meant understanding that it was more like a rotating group chat. I wasn’t making a statement about the contents. For example, when Sabo started it he thought he was just venting to a half dozen friends about what happened with his banning. I wasn’t even part of that. And he didn’t even want Ked to be added. Then it evolved where Ked wanted people added who would rebut and offer dissent. Point being that it wasn’t a coordinated cabal by any stretch.

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It’s literally called the “Captain’s Board” or something like that.

Yes, and it’s been hijacked to discuss the other open RFC (I am among the guilty). If there aren’t any more on-topic things to add, I’ll look this up shortly.

You are just looking to score points. To point to what is essentially a blog and claim we have a replacement forum full of dissidents is not honest.


I was about to thank and compliment you for responding to the question I posed to Suzzer, but then you flew the train of the rails before I even had a chance:

I did consider that, but I was hoping you wouldn’t be so petty and derisive as to call my insightful plain English post “obtuse” and a thing that, and this is the kicker, “no one” is going to understand. So that’s my bad.

Are you suggesting Sabo’s ProBoards site is not a forum? This is a very strange thing you picked to lie about.

How many times are going to call me stupid today because I don’t think you should be a mod?

Every time he can to get that sweet, sweet dopamine hit.

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That’s not why I called you stupid, it had nothing to do with being a mod, so I guess… Once more?

Jfc what on earth does anything in that post have to do with saying you’re stupid?!?
I said I was responding to what was a reasonable interpretation of your post, that it wasn’t internal and hidden. NO SINGLE PART OF THAT IS CALLING YOU STUPID HOLY SHIT. Lol if you think Wil was doing that because he was stupid that’s on you, I think it was because he was pathologically argumentative…