RFC: No thread on this site should be throttled without a really good reason

I dunno Wook, it’s quite the mystery.

Things have gotten ugly lately and there’s a lot of name-calling out of the blue. Both sides of this have posters who come in hot and heavy tone-wise. I’ll grant you both of those.

But I still contend, as do a lot of other posters here, that there are a few very bad actors in the captains clique who have zero desire to make this forum a positive place if they can’t have it be exactly what they want. I suspect they get off on the discord and would never be happy with any version of the forum. The fact that none of you can see that (or at least admit to it in public) is the root of this current mess imo. Well that and the endless moderation debate threads.

Again - if we can’t all agree that raising a stink about not being able to use the c-word, or repeatedly and completely out of the blue talking down to other posters like they’re a dimwitted toddler - is not acceptable behavior, then we have a fundamental core values problem that probably can’t be reconciled.

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If there is a case to be made to demod a moderator people should make it.

They just need to know others may not agree with them.

I haven’t seen anything that makes me think wookie or anyone else needs to be demodded.

If instead of doing the work of getting a mod removed because they are doing something wrong (not just a clash of personalities) people want to crap all over the entire thread I don’t know what to say. One is adult behavior, one is young child behavior. Sometimes things are hard.

Honestly if a moderator is doing something so wrong they should be demodded then it should be easy and guilt free to put forth a case. It’s only mean if it is baseless or exaggerated.

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I didn’t start that thread. I’m stating my reasons why I am not starting a thread this morning, like Marks said I should. And a new thread would be meaner and more toxic. So just because it happened before is not a good reason to do it again.

Because your subforum doesn’t exist in a vacuum, whether you like it or not it is still part of our community.

Ok? Can you say more? I don’t see how that is a response to my post.

Maybe I shouldn’t be fooling around and instead make them more srs biz in one of the main threads, but (and I’m gonna use bold and italics here to mess with Chris in case he reads this):

There are a whole slew of people who think that it is literally no problem that people fight and bicker and even some who even think people have the right to fight and bicker should the spirit move them, and that the people who have some seemingly neurotic aversion to that are actually the ones causing the problems. The only reason I’m really the only one who’s super vocal and hyperliteral about this is because THEY DON’T WANT TO CAUSE PROBLEMS, and it is absolutely the poorest of form to assume that dissention can’t conceivably exist because the dissenters, holding true to their ethos, don’t want to cause problems.

Whew, all the bold and italics is exhausting! (am I doing this right?)

Yeah, anyhow, I don’t even want to blame people for falling into this fallacious pretzel, and I’m paying a compliment by assuming it’s accidental, but I mean, come on already.

We aren’t a community if the only way we can exist is to have different rules for different groups. Nothing that has been proposed under the guise of horizontal modding should fail if implemented for the whole community. Yet it is being presented as the only way the “Captains” of the forum can continue to engage with the riff-raff in the rest of the forum.


Oh, now I totally think you should be a mod….
(Not really, no one is going to know what you’re asking them to do)

MrW, it’d make more sense if you abandoned the idea that there’s a secret coordinated cabal trying to bring you and the forum down.

Unspoil this below at your own risk:

And it’s pretty insulting and toxic to just treat Cassette like he’s not an individual with all the thoughts and feelings that come with that!

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Yup. I’d have started one to remove him months ago and to force mods to stand down after 6 months (max) if I thought it had any chance of success.

The simple fact is, as the few who’ve “crossed over” found, that most of the forum are exercising their right to ignore threads that show wookie in such a poor light, have declared their undying support for him and will vote accordingly no matter what he does, and he knows this.

It’s exactly the same as how many people vote along party lines regardless of what their candidate is doing or saying.

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Go on, and bear in mind that you somehow thought that post was the response to your post, and offering a rebuttal, and campaigning for mod.

Please, tell me more about my internal state of mind and motivations for I am a black box over which I have no control or insight….

Am I just supposed to forget about the public one and who was in it?

@Kerowo, protip going forward, Discourse tried to make it super easy for people such as yourself:

The public time they raised a vote to remove you as mod, or the PM Thread?

If it’s the latter, then I guess yes, considering how you seem to be hitching your wagon to the star of refusing to understand how the PM Thread worked even after it’s been explained to you numerous times.

Wookie is not the problem imo. It’s posters who flip out about not being able to use the c-word and drag the whole forum down to the point where they need to be banned. We’ll obviously never see eye to eye on this.


Ikes and goofy have both been banned so this doesn’t make a lot of sense.

No, before the vote to remove me. And not finding your description of the PM thread as necessarily credible is not the same thing as not understanding or refusing to understand.

everything old is new again

91% no. Funny how another piece of ‘horizontal modding’ is bullshit. Shocker, the same little crew here makes up almost all of the yes votes.

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