RFC: No thread on this site should be throttled without a really good reason

So you want me to start the de-mod thread? It wouldn’t be mean? I don’t get it.

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Why not? You don’t think I’m fair and reasonable?

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I think mods should be allowed to throttle a thread without a community vote, as the idea behind doing so is to act quickly to tamp down excessive argument. Dicking around while the place burns down does not seem like an optimal solution.

However, there should be a much more timely method for overriding such mod decisions than the RFC process.

Right, it’s like how the Rs made Hilldog testify about the bengazzy 37 times. Is there even a limit to how many times a thread can be opened?

Like, the first vote to de-mod Wookie barely misses (or lol, maybe misses by a lot) and what, you just keep opening them over and over? If there’s not a rule should you were your discretion?

I don’t see how a thread calling for a vote to de-mod wookie would be any less contentious than the arguments currently going on in a half-dozen mod threads. It may even clarify and put to rest some of the arguments.

I don’t want most of you to go elsewhere either. But if you can’t divorce yourself from perennial shit-disturbers like sabo, and continue to have his back, I don’t see any outcome other than the sabo-club leaving or the forum being destroyed.

From everything I’ve seen his goal is to make this forum a platform for his revolution, or destroy it in the process. He’s not interested in mere snarky drivebys like watevs and a couple other posters that are easy enough to ignore. His tactics are deliberately intended to instigate major fights. He started the Captains thread and now he’s started a new forum where he’s impersonating some of us - which is beyond juvenile and again intended to provoke. He’s not going to just rest on having a subforum to play around in. That would be small potatoes - like Trump settling for the USFL.

Maybe I’m completely wrong on that. I’ve been wrong plenty of times before. But at least you know exactly where I stand. I’ve seen sabo as an existential threat to this forum long before all this kerfuffle.

Also you make it look like I wrote what Marksmann actually wrote. Not a big deal but in a thread this contentious it might be worth clarifying.


et tu nbz?

Vigorous Debate And A Little Fun But Only Just So

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I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here. But the idea that you won’t try to remove Wookie because it’s cruel strains credulity.

Maybe you don’t want to start that process but there seem to be plenty of other captains who would have no problem if they thought it could work.

I dunno, man. Maybe you’re right. I’ve never started a thread to specifically call out an individual poster and say they are unfit for office. I’m imagining dozens of quotes and back and forths and insults. It sounds awful.

*Sorry, not sure why that quote looks like it’s from you. You do endorse it, right? That’s why I responded to you.

I’d like you to stop gaslighting everyone. Failing that, yes it would have been nice if you’d used the RFC system the community voted on instead of engaging in a massive shitposting campaign that resulted in several high-value posters and staff leaving.

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No I don’t. If I didn’t like a mod I’d just ignore them 99% of the time unless I thought the entire future of the forum was at stake, like I do here.

I’ve been one of the most vocal supporters that modding is a thankless job here and we should just STFU about it unless we want to step up and do it ourselves (which I don’t). If someone isn’t willing to be a mod, at last for a few months or w/e, then they have much less place to criticize imo. So I don’t criticize them.

Pocket Chads just temp-banned me last weekend for something I thought was unfair and misconstrued. When I got back, I explained my intention to just make a light-hearted jab at keeed (totally blissfully oblivious to all this mess at the time). I never once complained about PC or bugged him about it. I figure he’s got enough to deal with and is just trying to do his job.

I’ve long shaken my head at all the mod threads inviting endless debate on everything. I knew they weren’t good for the forum. I didn’t think it would get this bad though.

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All you’ve done this morning is insult me. I’m being honest. I’m sorry you don’t believe me.

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But you’re not, though, that’s the thing.


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I know what Marx thought about it, but I believe in the division of labor. That includes empowering individual moderators to act on behalf of the community rather than doing all moderation decisions by a committee of the whole.

I would rather have mods who act with checks and balances that allow for their decisions to be overturned rather than have all their decisions go through a community vote before they can be enacted.

Why are you more right than the majority who don’t think Wookie is a problem? The reason I know we aren’t ready for “community rule” on this site is the number of people who can’t disagree and commit when a vote doesn’t go the way they wanted. A new subforum or shorter throttles isn’t going to change that, not when every fucking hill is worth dying over.

Ok, I had you wrong them. I thought you were endorsing Marks’ idea that I should try to de-mod Wookie. My bad.

I never once interacted with mods on 2p2, I don’t think. Never banned once in 15 years. I don’t think the future of the forum is at stake here, but I don’t like that me and my friends keep getting banned and Wookie’s friends (Ikes, Goofy, etc.) just insult people, troll, etc to their heart’s content. When Skydiver banned me the other day for saying the eff word, she also went out of the way to insult me and make me feel unwelcome on the way out. Like, wat?

Now I’m just blogging, so I’ll stop. :v:

Uh, I’m sorry, but why are we pretending that something very much akin to this hasn’t already happened?

Nope. I think you have you’re own agenda which doesn’t match with the best interests of the forum.

I don’t. That’s why I’m not trying to de-mod him. You guys like the vertical approach. Some other people don’t. The others will accept that you like your system and leave it alone. The others will also create another system. What’s wrong with that?