Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Tenerife is an island off the coast of West Africa ffs.

I guess it’s time to stock up :slightly_frowning_face:

My goto would be…

  • 5/10 kilo bag of rice
  • Large bags of dried pasta
  • Tins of chopped tomato and pasata
  • Onions and carrots, potato’s…frozen peas and broccoli
  • A few jars of Indian curry paste and Chinese sauce for curries :joy:
  • Stock up on spices for chilli and curries.
  • Porridge and oats
  • Nuclear resistanant cereals
  • Tea, coffee and water bottles.

Any more suggestions are welcome. :v:

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I hope she’s safe and well brother… Stay calm until you know for sure. :+1:

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If we get the same percentage of cases in the US as China has disclosed, we’d have…

18,800 cases, which translates to 375 deaths.

But of course, they’re doing some really draconian stuff we probably can’t/won’t do (and if “we” do it, it’ll be in the most incompetent and racist way and not very effective to actually prevent the spread). Plus Trump is totally incompetent and cut funding for our epidemic-fighting structure and fired people and tore it down because Obama built it.

I think we’ll have to be pretty damn lucky to keep it under 1,000 deaths if it starts spreading in the US, and the potential outcomes are far, far worse. I started doing some math on it and decided not to share it, because the numbers are terrifying and I’m far from an expert and don’t want to be spreading unwarranted fear.

Let’s just say if this starts spreading in a major US city, our odds of containing it as well as the Chinese did are extremely low, and from the outside looking in, it was pretty disastrous there. That’s without even accounting for the Trump incompetence factor, logistically I feel like it’s going to be tougher to contain here.

I’m imagining the difficulty in keeping it from spreading within pre-war buildings in NYC and other US cities that don’t seal well, have lots of cracks and crevices, might have some leaky pipes, etc… I’m thinking of how many people will order delivery food without thinking about how easy it would be to catch/spread the virus through a delivery driver literally going to dozens of homes a day. I’m thinking of how few restaurants would shut down unless they were forced to, because capitalism. I’m thinking of how many businesses will try to stay open and force people to come in. I’m thinking about how many people will be begging to keep working because they’re literally paycheck-to-paycheck.


The parts of this that nobody are talking shout are the likely widespread regional wars this thing could cause as society breaks down in some countries Ill equipped to deal with this. Still drawing live to WW3.

I stopped my parents from Tenerife this year after Brexit, told them I was not driving them anymore.

So far the’ve not been away except to up north… My dad’s angina is not worth the travel and I had to tell my mum its not happening anymore because of insurance.

Edit: drive to and from airports :joy:

Nuclear resistant cereals? Genuinely curious?

Don’t get me wrong. The CDC legally has some draconian and impressive tools in its arsenal. “The constitution is not a suicide pact.” The difference between here and China is that here we don’t live in a society that routinely accepts absolute control by the government on aspects of your daily life. Add in the fact that we have a historically unpopular president that half the country loathes and it’s just a recipe for utter disaster, widespread unrest, and societal breakdown. Like, if this were the 1960s and JFK were president I think the US could do a lot more to it’s citizens before that breaking point then now.

That’s a joke we have here, as it never seems to go off ever.

Rice crisps and corn flakes :+1:

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As far as worst case scenarios, there is almost no floor. We are drawing live to millions dead, nuclear war, etc.

Think you might be going a little overboard here.


lol what happened to this thread overnight. Was there a preppers marathon on the History channel or something? Millions dead, nuclear war, and stacks of ramen ITT.


I mean, if 1% of the global population gets it and 2% of them die, that’s already 1.5 million. We’re definitely drawing live to millions dead. Nuclear war as a result of coronavirus seems pretty far-fetched to me, though.



It’s spreading in numerous countries outside China, and it’s become clear that the Trump administration is every bit as utterly unprepared and incompetent as we might have guessed.

If China starts to nuke its own city’s is that technically a nuclear war?

That’s not like him itt.

Ever heard of malaria?

Americans are reacting to this like they did to 911.

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