Coronavirus (COVID-19)

How China is Hunting Down Coronavirus Critics

Now, lung cancer, that’s a nasty bug.

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I mean, technically he’s mostly correct.

I felt a bit silly telling my wife about it, but over the weekend I bought a lot of canned/dried food. It’s all stuff we’d normally eat, so hopefully I’m just pre-purchasing the pantry staples we’ll use over the next several, normal, calm months.

I work in the transportation industry, too, the age of the average truck driver is mid 50s, and they don’t tend to be guys in the best of health. I’m not worried about a post apocalyptic hellscape, but it does seem reasonable that transportation of food could potentially be an issue for at least a bit if this becomes wide ranging in the US.

I was fascinated by the Doomsday Prepper TV show that used to be on, but I doubt I’ve ever had more than a week or so worth of food in my house at any one time.

It’s about to be really common, and it will make us feel really cold when the fever sets in.

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If it makes anyone feel better, a Boomer lardass with stage 3 lung cancer is probably going to have difficulty with respiratory viruses.

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Well that sucks.

Remember when ESPN threw a bunch of money at this guy for his football takes?


No, actually. For a minute I thought you meant the mathematician so I googled. Lol Rush, what a racist fuckhead.

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Damn, we get to build popular support for UHC while killing off olds at the same time? Thanks, coronavirus!


(kind of)


… or if Trump decided to lockdown Philadelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee in early November.

Good thing you can’t time the market amirite

2 -3% days in a row so far

If we’re all basically guaranteed to get it eventually, wouldn’t it be better to get it now before the hospitals etc are overwhelmed?

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I’m moving into a 2 bedroom apartment in April and currently have like 0 space to prep for a quarantine.

Bad idea to try and time that market imo.


You’ll feel pretty dumb if you die of the coronavirus and then they develop a vaccine for it a few months later.

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Vaccine isn’t gonna be ready until well after this has run its course.

a spain hotel is on lockdown because an italian guest has coronavirus

The stock market is going down 50% at least from here isn’t it

Costco boxes of 24 ramen just stack 4 in the corner. Peanut butter will keep you alive for a long time in spoonfuls.

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