Coronavirus (COVID-19)

1.3% given your age range, but in reality probably a lot lower. Probably most of the younger people who die have aggravating factors, like compromised immune systems or being heavy smokers.

1.3% of 50-year-olds die from the flu?

Sorry dawg, it’s members (aka mothafuckaz that can turn on a computer) only.


From COVID-19.

Right. Still sketchy compared to flu.

This bodes really well for containment.

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Yeah, that makes this pretty scary to me. I have asthma, so I’m definitely at a higher risk of death from this, and there’s a chance I’ve already been exposed. It’s simultaneously really scary and totally :man_shrugging: because there’s nothing I can do but wait and see.



Tokyo Disney now appears to be shutting down as well:

Looks like the outbreak in Italy is crossing borders as Croatia and Austria now have confirmed cases.

WRT timing the market, I agree that timing the market doesn’t work to try to maximize profits. With that said, if you are in a situation where a disastrous drop in the market will wipe out a substantial amount of assets that you need soon then there is nothing wrong with putting your money into something safer in reaction to a catastrophe such as this. You’re not timing the market to increase profits, you are insuring against a risk of ruin.

Trump just announced that they are getting it under control so I’m going to start my totally inappropriate victory lap as is traditional for this thread.

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In Iran, it is being reported that the deputy health minister has tested positive for coronavirus. According to the semi-official news agency ILNA, the spokesman for Iran’s health ministry confirmed in an interview with state television that Deputy Minister Iraj Harirchi has been infected and is now under quarantine.

Iraj Harirchi had been working as normal on Monday, and gave a news conference with journalists in Tehran about the virus during which he reportedly had been sweating and looking uncomfortable.

Everything definitely seems to be going great in Iran.


I’m following my dads criteria of not worrying until China starts nuking it’s own cities.

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I wondered if it might be unrelated as Croatia does not border Italy but the case there is being blamed on a stay in Milan. Austria does border northern Italy, where an outbreak is underway.

Even the “official” coronavirus death toll in Iran is now 16, the other day they were telling us they only had 50 cases, the virus is definitely loose there. I was surprised by speed of spread because I imagined Iran to be hot all year round, but I looked it up and the daily maximums in Tehran right now average in like the low 50s, so very nice coronavirus weather.

The March sumo tourney hasn’t been cancelled yet.



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So because I love my wife we did something sort of stupid this weekend that may end up getting us sick.

We went to one of the largest cities in the world for asian tourism, San Francisco, and saw Oprah live.

A couple observations.

  1. We went and saw an asian comic on Friday night. The majority of the crowd was Korean and Japanese. I somehow didnt worry about this until much later. And oh yeah, cases of Coronavirus have been found in silicon valley and Sacramento county and I grt every version of flu/cold as soon as it comes up so Im as good as infected
  2. Oprah would 100% win the presidency if she ran. If the major demo the dems need to secure to win is white women, then its a done deal. She might win all 50 states.
  3. Her supporters would be just as cult like as Trumps. Im convinced though that she probably has some dark skeletons preventing her from running.
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Or you know, she likes being Oprah. Being president really is a terrible terrible job. Especially compared to being Oprah. I guarantee every day the current occupant wakes up and wishes he could go back to the day before he ran and take it all back. Knowing that he’s miserable is one of the few consolations I have in this whole shit show.

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