Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Folks, this thing isn’t scary at all and it has a survival rate of 98% but also it is a secret Chinese bio-weapon.

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Good thing rush will be dead soon from cancer.


Imagine if the common cold had a 98% survival rate with no immunity acquisition.

Most of us would be dead. Silly Rush. Also should the OxyContin addict be conspiracisting fentanyl?

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How can you not be team WAAF when you consider that 40% of the country nods along to this garble?

We are truly living in the information age!!!

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There’s going to be widespread disorder in the country before we get to elections.

Yeah… Rush saying this shit would be really bad for him if he wasn’t dying. His listeners are dead center in coronavirus’s crosshairs. My chances of dying are 0.2%. If I was 60-69 my chance of dying would be 3.6%, if I was 70-79 my chances would be 8%, and if I was over 80 my chances would be damn near 15%.

Rush is telling the people who should be terrified that everything is fine. The guy is straight up evil.

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Rush is earning his new medal, truly an American hero helping to kill off all the racist olds


Folks, I’m telling you, you want to just get this thing now. Get it over with! If someone in your nursing home has COVID-19, have a party! Embrace, kiss, have a good time, I’m telling you folks, it’s just a cold, you’ll be over it in no time. Anyone got any fentanyl?


Isn’t that the normal thing to do when facing death? Take out as many elderly as you can so the reaper has no time for you. Completely standard.


Wait - you can get corona virus multiple times?

We ded

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I don’t think it’s known with certainty yet regarding this particular coronavirus. But I’ve read recently that some researchers think it’s possible or even likely because other coronaviruses can reinfect. (I think there is a term for this but I cannot recall off the top of my head.)

My opinion of humanity improved slightly because we resisted making this joke for a month or so. I didn’t post about it before because I was afraid someone would steal it.

Very little data, a couple anecdotes say maybe.

I’ve been stuck at day 1 irritability phase for several months now


Here’s some info about reinfection by the four common-cold coronaviruses:

The toll of a seasonal-flu-like coronavirus also depends on immunity — which is also scientifically uncertain. Exposure to the four endemic coronaviruses produces immunity that lasts longer than that to influenza, Webby said, but not permanent immunity. Like respiratory syncytial virus, which can re-infect adults who had it in childhood, coronavirus immunity wanes.

“Everyone, by the time they reach adulthood, should have some immunity to some coronavirus,” said Tim Sheahan, a coronavirus researcher at University of North Carolina’s Gillings School of Global Public Health. But because it doesn’t last, older people can get reinfected. The elderly also have a higher death rate from coronaviruses such as SARS and MERS, a pattern 2019-nCoV is following.

“There is some evidence that people can be reinfected with the four coronaviruses and that there is no long-lasting immunity,” Dr. Susan Kline, an infectious disease specialist at of the University of Minnesota. “Like rhinoviruses [which cause the common cold], you could be infected multiple times over your life. You can mount an antibody response, but it wanes, so on subsequent exposure you don’t have protection.” Subsequent infections often produce milder illness, however.

So it’s likely you don’t get lifetime protection from getting this once, but the current cases of “reinfection” are cases where people where cleared of the virus and then, days later, test positive again. I think those are more likely to just be false-negative tests clearing people of the virus. It’s known that false-negative tests can occur. I saw talk of one case where CT scan demonstrated that the lungs were fully infected, yet tests came back negative four times before finally coming back positive on the fifth.

You’ve probably already had a coronavirus multiple times. I mean, you’ve had the flu more than once, right? This shouldn’t be that shocking.

Seems like the Russians are sending the bots to make some confusion

I’m not 2% to die of the flu.