About Moderation (old original thread)

I mean, like he legitimately makes a nice post about you, compliments you, invites you to discuss it further via pm, and this is your response?

I’m wondering if there are spots where a temp ban of only a few hours is better than a day or if that just gives people time to get drunk and come back ready to fight.

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Mediation, not moderation.


I think there are some people who react negatively to any suggestion they are in the wrong and will complain about a temp ban, a proposal for mediation, or even a simple warning with no penalty.

You don’t say…


Why would you believe him,

other than the obvious reason?

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Wait a minute, you’re including that post that was quite prescient to… do what exactly? Attack jman? Wut?

Also, you either remembered or searched for that post? That’s totally 100% sane.

edit: holy shit you think that makes jman look bad? Wow. Talk about gaslighting.

Ah, i see you found the actual quote and not the stupid exaggeration by jalfrezi that you and others have echoed. Well lets see what i actually said “drawing live” doesn’t mean “it’s going to happen!” Except the “millions dead” part absolutely did happen. And given the geopolitical situation and the US leadership, and the unknowns about the virus at the time we’re lucky this wasn’t worse. But keep distorting what I said.

And just a further lol given the context of that quote in the first place, which was a bunch of posters minimizing covid and some saying other diseases like the flu or malaria were way worse.

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I don’t get the insult there. I constantly think we are drawing live to millions of death and nuclear war. How is waaf an insult now?

I’m just dumbstruck at how someone could go through all that effort of finding a 16 month old post that is way ahead of the curve, then getting it so wrong.

jman says nothing other than this could be really bad, while jalfrezi is saying:

“As long as you’re aware that millions of deaths from a disease isn’t some sort of unique event that warrants global panic or even the hysteria seen itt.”

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All you have to do is scroll up a few posts.


Let’s parse this out: You think it’s insane to either, A, have a human memory, or B, use the search function in forum? That’s what you’re going with?

Did you scroll up before this edit?

6ix - Gaslighting is bad y’all, meanwhile I’m not going to explain my post further

Ok then, I’m back to out, good god.

There were a lot of posters who acquitted themselves exceedingly poorly in the original covid thread 17 months ago, mostly because they didn’t grasp what was about to happen becuase they couldn’t look at the common-sense evidence (China locking down a half a billion people). Lol at me being one of those whose posting in that original thread was bad.


Lying about disliking somebody for an embarrassing reason isn’t exactly a scheme. Maybe I’m doing my pet peeve of slightly misusing “gaslight” lol but it’s not Ocean’s Elevening to just lie about some shit.

Oh snap you really wanted an explanation? That part wasn’t sarcasm?

Is you nuclear war statement in any way falsifiable?

Have you literally already forgotten what we’re talking about? I’m not saying your “posting was bad”.

Like, we’re a forum of former poker players. Are ou going to pretend you don’t understand what the phrase “drawing live” means?

Yes, the more explicit the better.

Yes, I know what “drawing live” means. Why do you think I don’t (or pretending I don’t)?