Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This is crazy. People should be able to get tested and the government should be getting the tab. Of course if we had a proper healthcare system it would happen automagically.


Sorry if pony is slow


Yup, not sure what your point is though?

Keed must be apoplectic about this travelers being locked down in other countries.

I hope President Donald John Trump does not acquire the Corona Virus. We need him now more than ever and with his existing age and health he would probably face a 20% chance of death. We can’t take a blow like that to our republic!


As long as you’re aware that millions of deaths from a disease isn’t some sort of unique event that warrants global panic or even the hysteria seen itt.


uh, what?

I’m aware that it’s not a unique event in human history. I’m not sure we’re seeing hysteria in this thread. I’m going to stock up on some food in case Philly gets locked down for a couple weeks, if I see masks in a local pharmacy I’ll buy a few, otherwise I’m just going to try to wash my hands a lot and not touch my face.

I think the hysteria/panic is more about the side effects of rolling lockdowns and massive quarantines, the potential of this to trigger a global recession, and the instability that would cause in the US given that we are running massive budget deficits and like 40% of the population is ~paycheck to paycheck.

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Yet the post you replied to raised the spectre of nuclear war.

And my reply said…

Your first reply to me said this.

Him dying to the disease sent by God to kill the scum of the earth would be so delicious.

Oh, fair. Okay, other than one person speculating about potential nuclear war, I’m not sure we’re seeing hysteria. Most people seem scared, concerned, etc, but not hysterical… Most predictions seem rational.

I’m not having a pop at you specifically, but at the mindset I see time and time again from some Americans here, which comes from a cluelessness (or callousness, I’m not sure which) of how many people around the world live on a daily basis, and applies to the threat of terrorism as well as fatal disease, as we saw in the hysterical reaction to 911 and are seeing again now.


If pence takes over he’ll disband the cdc and replace it with prayer circles


Fox sports radio reports the 2020 Olympics might be cancelled

The flu, a pre-existing condition that can linger for 3 years apparently.


Looks like the Wuhan area hit an inflection point in late January and new cases have dropping since then. Hopefully it plays out the same way when it heads to your neighborhood.

How does that work? Does the disease only really spread when people aren’t in lockdown mode?