Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Still wondering what I should do with my tech stocks.

Also, gg me, my husband and I are heading to Europe next month. Specifically Austria and Switzerland. Which border Italy. dammit.

(for the record - as I have no useful comment to add)

Just learn how to build cabins and shit and live in the swiss mountains and ride it out. Looks like the most beautiful place in the world.

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I saw today that everyone in Suisse died from coronavirus though.

They were for giving up the travel as my dad’s insurance is expensive nowadays and mum is not as light on her feet any more, they needed that extra assurance that it’s the right thing to do, alough I suspect they’ll be off to Spain in the summertime… :joy:

It’s still spreading even in lockdown mode, but it can only exponentially increase for so long.

Sorry but relativism is a thing and making people aware of it won’t actually change how they inately respond or feel.

quarantines work

Yeah my grandpa was really sick so we quarantined him in a coffin.

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sell your stocks and buy a funeral home


Pffft. What kinda “Ramen” are you all eating? Where I come from its 13-15 dollars a bowl. Hardly survival food.

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You probably wait in line to to eat it at 7pm too. Hipster.


Here we have cheap ramen but expensive poutine.


Lol i literally bought three boxes of that yesterday.

Travel insurance is a scam. You have to be able to show a documented reason (of a very small list of approved reasons) in order to use it.

Im scared of the coronavirus is not one of the approved reasons.


I’m going to drop a dime on

That shit is worth a lot in jail. Even in county jails. I had to do a few days a few years ago and they played poker for it. A fight broke out within the first few hours of me being there. Over Ramen noodles in a poker game. I passed on poker.

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Lol I waited in line in Pasadena for an hour at 8 Pm just 3 weeks ago

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