Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Thinking outside the box…

What if cancelling schools is the opposite of what we need to do. We know that the young population recovers quickly and faces few if any severe cases. Letting the kids get the virus and then isolating then from the higher risk population until they recover and build antibodies would go a long way to building heard immunity. I don’t know how realistic that is and I don’t feel like sending my own personal 3 year old to get covid19, but just maybe it’s a better option then shutting down life waiting for a vaccine that may not even be effective.

I don’t think we know enough what the long term health considerations are. Like what happens if getting a mild case of this doesn’t offer any immunity and if you get it a second time it hits much worse?.

Coronavirus, Mayan end of world predictions, totally the same thing.

As has been said, what’s going to happen is that we’re going to take increasingly drastic measures to slow the spread. Morons will continue to say we’re overreacting. Many people will die, but the measures we take will ensure we won’t be living in a Mad Max post-apocalyptic wasteland. And then when the worst of it passes, these morons are going to say “See? I told you it wasn’t a big deal.”


Bobby’s dad gets back from a ski trip where he contracted Corona. Bobby goes to school and gives it to Joe, Sue and Sally. Joe, Sue and Sally feel fine, which is good, but means they definitely spread it to their parents, grandparents, etc. Not good…

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If they aren’t reasonable and won’t refund or reschedule then just leave the plans as is and wait for them to be forced to cancel and refund in a few weeks.


2017 - Trump is going to kill us all
2018 - Trump is going to kill us all
2019 - Trump is going to kill us all


I would like to offer a sincere thank you to everyone who regularly participated in this forum, and especially this thread. This has been an invaluable resource for me, and has kept me ahead of the curve on staying informed. Even with the disagreements over the severity, the conversations here are light years ahead of anything else I’ve seen. It alone makes my decision to become a supporter via Patreon worth it. I know there have been some bitter disputes here the past month or so over the election, but I want to say that this is still a great little community that provides a tremendous amount of value, especially relative to any other media sources, and I hope we don’t let our divisions over political ideology or tactics ruin this. Cheers, stay safe everyone.


Yes it’s not ideal. But somehow infecting people in a controlled setting, as to not let them be a danger to others, and letting them recover, could be a possible short term solution. Think about like young nurses and other healthcare professionals. Part of me just wants to get the damn virus and get it over with.

Of course we don’t know how immunity will work so maybe this a horrible idea. But I would not be surprised if we hear ideas like this get floated in the near future.

S. Korea did a really good job of testing and isolating the infected. I think they pretty much hospitalized every one who was positive just to stop the spread.

Closing down schools will be devastating for the poorest among us.

IMO it should only be done IF we are giving every adult 1000 a month and ever kid 500 a month. Means test this if we need to but don’t make it to difficult.

For a lot of kids school lunch is there only gauranteed meal each day.


If we are serious about people staying home we need to pay them to.


Big +1 thanks all


How long is someone contagious for even if asymptomatic? Wife and I are trying to do the right thing re: friends and family after attending a show - 5 days ago - worked by the Broadway usher who tested positive.

Just got an email stating that all city employee wellness classes (think Zumba) will continue like usual.

I have been getting progressively more freaked out about this and at this point I feel pretty certain I’m gonna get it either at work or on the bus commuting. Still no talk of work at home.

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Assuming you’re going to be exposed and acting accordingly is the only rational thing to do at this point :+1:

That would be highly atypical. More likely it comes through next year and it really will be equivalent to the seasonal flu.

2011 - Dook sucks
2012 - Dook sucks
2013 - Dook sucks
2014 - Dook sucks
2015 - Dook sucks but wins natty anyway
2016 - Dook sucks
2017 - Dook sucks
2018 - Dook sucks
2019 - Dook sucks, now with Zion
2020 - Dook sucks season canceled


You CAN get this twice afaik.

People who have gotten the new coronavirus and recovered can get it again in the future, health authorities say — the body does not become immune after infection.

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Source? Thought you were immune unless it mutated, then you might be vulnerable to new mutated version of the Coronavirus?