Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I kind of feel like Tomi Lahren is in the Ann Coulter class of conscious grifters, who know exactly what they’re doing.


If this goes into November, I guess we’re going to have to suspend Election Day. Too many folks congregating in one place.

So says the right-wing mod of a sports forum I used to frequent in a coronavirus thread. He banned me because I kept calling him out for his political bias when he’s a Susan Collins type whose identity is heavily invested in pretending to be a centrist who is above the fray.

My wife and I are stuck in the hospital after her surgery for a few days and I have to admit I am freaking out a little bit.


I would recommend that you all make sure you have gas in your cars, because there are going to be shortages. Last night’s speech is going to touch off a panic.

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No wonder a huge percent of olds who get this die. Sounds like an absolute nightmare.

Then, he said, the illness hit him “like a hurricane.”

He struggled to breathe. His lungs filled with fluid, and nurses in hazmat-style suits had to drain them every two hours.

The worst part, he said, was the feeling of choking. “You feel like you’re asphyxiating, and you’re panicking because you can’t breathe.”

I am concerned that their commentary might become vapid and poorly reasoned!


Pence on CNN taking questions about the coronavirus and the travel ban.

Ireland closing all schools, universities and creches until 29th March. Asking people to work from home wherever possible. All outside public gatherings of more than 500 people and indoor of more than 100 people cancelled.

We had our first Coronavirus death yesterday.

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Guess peace in the Middle East is on hold :/

Also wasn’t he “working” on the opioid crisis as well?

And prison reform and reinventing technology in government and some other stuff.

I’d like y’all’s thoughts on this situation I’m facing. I’m supposed to give a keynote speech at a relatively small event tomorrow in Florida. I’d be surprised if 100 people showed up. I emailed the organizers this morning to see if they were planning on postponing the event, they said they were not at this point. I emailed back and said that I thought it was the responsible thing to postpone it, but that I would come if they wanted to go forward with it.

Do you all think it’s reasonable for me to be suggesting they postpone or cancel the event over this? I’m not organizing it or anything and I don’t have a stake in it, so it’s really not my call. Yet, it seems irresponsible to be holding something like this right now.

It’s reasonable to suggest it. At a minimum they should be advising attendees about best practices around clean hands, avoiding handshakes, etc.


I woke to thinking about Rudy Gobert and how all the naysayers are him today.

Monday: mock it and touch everything on the microphone table

Wednesday: test positive and immediately shut down your entire sport

WIP Sports talk poll has flipped from 75/25 yesterday in favor of going to games to 40/60 against.

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Any gatherings of that size that aren’t very important should probably be cancelled.


Australian Grand-Prix next to be cancelled?

Stock market futures all hit limit down. It’s going to be a bloodbath at 9:30.

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A duke educated nurse I know just posted this.

I had a rash several years ago that my doctor just started googling on his phone to try to figure out what it was.

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