Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This post just made me open the window on my crowded tram.

I think I need to buy a bike.

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I usually were some kind of Nike shirt to rile them up. :man_shrugging: Ugh. Been looking forward to this mini vacation weekend too.

guys, it’s time to starting whispering sweet nothings to our immune systems. the data on mortality being 3% approx. gotta give yourself a pep talk, have a confidence and reduce anxiety, which weakens the immune system iirc

You can do it, you’re an armor-plated mofo!


I posted info on this being spread via aerosolized methods in this thread at least a day ago, maybe two days ago, from an original news outlet somewhere in Asia. It’s frustrating that the US media is so slow in picking this up. This is a little more sound cause it’s an actual scientific study, versus a backwards looking case study by scientists, but still…

IIRC someone called me out for not knowing what I was talking about because everyone in the media was reporting that it could NOT spread through the air.

Some of us ITT are literally more informed than the doctors, nurses, news media, and I assume the entire federal coronavirus response team except like Fauci and that doctor who’s last name starts with a B. Burtz?


the flu is spread the same way, though, which makes sense. I linked to some recent study not long ago(from 2017 approx), that revealed that prior to the study’s findings on aerosol inhalation of virus , the all-knowing medical profession had not definitively ruled on it. If they had, why the need for the study?

just ignorance everywhere

Like the great irony is that I’ve read all these fucking studies from all these different countries, but if I get a case so severe that I need to make sure the doctors have read those studies and can consider the various treatment options showing efficacy, I’ll probably already be intubated and unwilling to speak.

That is not good.

At least the local college extended spring break and the kids wont be coming back to town for a while.

With my copd maybe i should just have them pre intubat now and infecte me. Get it over with.

So the debate about mask efficacy should once again turn in their favor with this new revelation.

anyway, sweet dreams, brothers and sisters.

My daughter works in an after school program in SF. I mentioned one kid at the school tested positive. That’s an older kid I guess at an adjacent school, but 4 kids at the elementary school have some kind of respiratory ailment, but I guess not tested. The school is now closed.

My kids go in tomorrow for instruction on how to do the online thing, then they’re home for the rest of the month starting on Friday. Checked in with my sister this evening, guess my parents aren’t taking it seriously yet. 80 y.o. stepdad gets winded going up or down a few stairs. He’ll die for sure if he gets this.

Oh God yes. Doctors are just people, most people are dumb, even the subset of people who did well at school.

The problem with doctors, and I will soapbox about this at length if given a chance, is that they are required to have an incredible breadth of knowledge about things that can go wrong with the human body, whereas I am only required to know about what I want to know about at the time. As a result, a few hours of googling will make you more knowledgeable about any given medical subject than a family physician. I have had this experience any number of times. Even specialists, like I once accurately diagnosed a skin condition my ex had (Pityriasis rosea) and the dermatologist we saw was like “nah, don’t think so” and when the biopsy was tested, that’s what it was. The entire field of medical diagnosis is ripe to be replaced by machine learning in a decade or so.

This superiority over doctors is however not true for most people, because of how utterly atrocious most people are at extracting good information from the internet.


lawyers are even dumber loooooooooooooooool

we’ll be some anti-elitists in no time!

I think I mentioned this a few days ago, but I got referred to mental health counseling for going to so many different doctors claiming I had a rare skin condition. I was genuinely concerned I might be insane.

I did have the condition. Six doctors said I didn’t. The best of those six, a genuinely caring doctor who did not rule it out the first time, agreed to order a special test and it was confirmed I was right.


The measures still make sense. Minimizing your contact with contaminated surfaces will reduce your risk of infection, even when it’s impossible to eliminate all potentially contaminated contacts.


What if you didn’t have athsma?

You summed it up perfectly. The worst is like 90% of them are too arrogant to admit they could possibly be wrong. I once brought some research about some condition or drug or something I had questions about. I say something like, “Yeah I had a question, I found this thing on line that says whatever…”

The doctor immediately launches into the “Listen here kiddo your WebMD research is useless,” speech. He was not amused when I was like nope, not WebMD and pulled out stuff published in medical journals.

I did have a fabulous doctor in Baltimore who was straight up about the fact they couldn’t keep up with all the latest research, but was happy to take a look if I brought it in and discuss it.

I was trying to work with them to figure out my trouble sleeping, having exhausted most typical ideas and treatments. Another prescribed me a drug with terrible side effects that was proven to increase overall morbidity more than it decreased the morbidity of what it was treating… Yet it still gets prescribed because big pharma.

The doctor was floored when I pulled that study out (as I told her, I’m not putting a new drug in my body without doing some research) and we discussed alternate options.


I’d still probably lay low for a week or two, if not for my own good, for the good of the community. If I played anyway, I’d isolate myself otherwise. I suppose there’s a case for playing anyway if the people in the game at risk are cool with their risk. But it’s such a Petri dish I wouldn’t then be out and about around the community.

But I still wouldn’t touch a WSOPc event. Too many people who had traveled all over the last couple weeks. If we were doing actual quality testing and contact tracing in America, I’d bet on numerous people being infected on the poker tournament circuit.

Just to maybe try to lower anxiety levels, this is a holy shit well that explains it revelation and not a holy shit this is way worse than we thought reason to panic more. Like, the motherfucker had to be hardy and durable for this to have happened already.


Yeah, my ex had an idiosyncratic chronic condition and I saw a bunch of doctors with her. We saw a physician - which here is like a general doctor but an expert, a level above a GP, which is what you call a family physician - and he started pulling out textbooks. Made of paper. Like dude you can’t do your job like that anymore.

My absolute favourite of doctor incompetence was when I acquired a disease which is fairly common in children, but in adults is generally an STI and that’s how I got it (thinly veiled brag, I have had sex). The doctor confidently told me it was not really contagious and that I didn’t have to worry about passing it on. The name of the disease is literally Molluscum Contagiosum.