Coronavirus (COVID-19)

One of the replies links to the following abstract of a Chinese study: Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies - PubMed

That said what Sperry is relating looks suspiciously like a whatsapp message discussed on this fact check site:

Basically, little info is available from the Chinese study and the study itself was only based on a sample of 100 people. Use of this particular drug is highly regulated by the WHO and banned in Nigeria since 2005 (due to treatent failure and drug resistance). The quantaties suggested would be a huge overdose compared to what would be prescribed for malaria.

@skydiver8 good choice to cancel

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Yeah my concern is that if I got symptoms in 10 days and it got severe in 14-15 that might be bad timing, although I think it’ll be safe still in Philly - depends heavily on whether we take people from NYC once it’s bad there. 4-5 days from now would almost certainly be ok. Once we’re past the peak here I’ll resume normal activities and hope for the best. I’m guessing we’re still 3-4 weeks from the shit hitting the fan in Philly.

FWIW if I get it and they triage and I don’t make the cut, I’ve already got a backup plan in place. Also, if I need to be hospitalized my call will not only be to let them know I’m coming but to verify abundant O2 and ICU beds.

Shit, it is even wise to go to a poker event right now? I have reservations (free suite!) this weekend in Tulsa for the WSOP circuit event happening there. I’m having second thoughts.

That’s not entirely true. It’s one of three treatments they are trying that is showing potential but none are proven to work. Better than nothing, but there are a number of different efforts with antivirals that show some promise. We’re probably a long ways off from proving anything.

You couldn’t pay me to go to a poker room right now. Literally ;).


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i would not.

i’m in vegas and i play for a living but i’m staying as far as i can from anything casino related for the next 2 weeks. probably just going to play online inside. the group chats i’m in are madness. poker rooms are the literal nut low. mostly trump supporters that don’t wash their hands

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The can good section of the local supermarket was picked pretty good, but there was TP!

What is plan B Fossilman?

probably a brothel in Gary IN or something

oh wrong casino i was thinking hammond


it’s not wise to go literally anywhere right now. if you don’t have to be somewhere, you should not go.

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it can survive in the air for several hours lol


up to 3 hours post aerosolization

jesus H Christophe

I just saw that. Great can survive hours in air and days on surfaces.


fuck… never in my life did i ever dream i would live through something like this

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so these hygiene measures might mean nothing

I thought not touching my face was a discipline to hone, but if this bullshit is true

It takes two tests for each person. So Texas can test 13 people a day.