Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Honestly, mad respect to the NBA for pulling what is sure to be a massively unpopular move in the name of protecting public safety. There’s gonna be hordes of slobbering idiot fans who will be furious at the league and no one is going to give them props but this is a smart, pro-active move that could save lives. They will lose jillions of dollars and some decent guy(s) will get fired because that’s how we do in America.


Australian prime minister (basically Mike Pence - idiotic bible thumper) considering Europe travel ban for Australia

Sports radio is whack tonight. I won’t be surprised to hear a caller say

Those get paid millions of dollars to entertain me they need to man up and get on the court.

Don’t go. It’s just money. Not worth dying for.


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President Duterte of the Philippines just been tested.

He is old and sick anyway, so if he gets it, he’s fucked.

The Vice President is elected seperately and is from the opposition party. If Duterte dies suddenly we are very live to multiple coups. This would be just sweet in the middle of a pandemic.

Given that that politicians are generally old, with lots of contact with others, we are likely to see this or similar scenarios play out globally. Turnover of leadership in the middle of a crisis…


Another for the Karma list.

The fucking writers for this timeline are just too much



We need an amendment to the Constitution to allow people not born in the U.S. to be President so I can vote for Ted Lieu.


Yeah, we talked tonight, we’re going to cancel everything on Friday. Phone lines are too fucking clogged right now. Hopefully the ski tour company will be reasonable.

ugh, I needed this vacation, too. It was our 20th anniversary trip :frowning:

On the plus side, I’ll be in what is probably the last live audience for Jimmy Kimmell Live tomorrow!


Tap dancing Jesus.

This morning, they reported three TSA agents at SJC tested positive. Really bad! They could have infected hundreds or perhaps thousands of people!

Tonight, local news here reports that what happened was that one of those three contracted coronavirus on or about FEBRUARY TWENTY SIXTH, and then infected the other two. That motherfucker could have infected tens of thousands who then distributed themselves everywhere unknowingly, and who will not have qualified for testing until today.


My wife and I have plans to go to Vegas with my mom and step dad (67 and 74). They’ve never been.

LAte May. Not gonna happen

We also got bonnaroo tickets for Friday, make a week long vacation to Nashville in June


Sucks but that’s life. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

dunno if true or not but go on…


Why was Gobert tested if he feels fine and was ready to play tonight? Has the criteria for and availability of testing changed much? Or is it that if you have the celebrity level of at least a starter in the NBA, fine you can have a test?

No travel with europe for 30 days starting friday, no people no cargo. Working hard, thank you. Oh and not the UK. Oh and forget what I said about cargo.

Problem solved. Cases will be down to zero in a few days


Dude needs to be banned for life from NBA and thrown in jail. What the fuck.

Edit: nvm on jail part since he didn’t know he was infected at the time. Def needs to get a lifetime ban from NBA though

He was tested as a precautionary measure. He was already recovering, but had tested negative for the flu and other possibilities, so they decided to check for coronavirus just in case. He had spent some time with people who had traveled from France.


The simulation is a little bit on the nose with him being the athlete to get this after that stunt. This can’t be real life.

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