Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Fuck that’s depressing.


That’s Real America you latte-drinking elitist.

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Lol what a world.

Trump in his speech literally said it would apply to trade and cargo “and other things as we get approval” which I’m not sure what other things there are.

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Welp, time for me to sweat it out for the next 10 days. A guy in my regular poker game said both trainers at his gym were just tested for COVID-19. Given the rarity of testing, that’s not a good sign - gotta assume they either had known direct contact or bad symptoms.

Guess who I sat next to Saturday?



See if you can buy one of microbets spare intubators?

(Seriously though, hope you don’t have it. Rest up and all that.)

Rut roh. I saw Virginia Woolf on March 7. Hope the usher wasn’t working the left orchestra!

Thanks. Hopefully if I have it, it starts soon while there are hospital beds. Given the degrees of separation, the chances are still low, but it’s like now I know the path from a positive test to me only has a few links in the chain.

I sold the guy chips, too. Took money from him, played a lot of pots against him so we were trading chips back and forth. I was sanitizing like crazy Saturday and not touching my face, but still…

That chart is terrible because there is a lag; 100% social isolation wouldn’t result in that bottom line (for 75%) because there would still be huge growth the next week or 2 from what’s already happened.

The point is still good that the more we do to isolate the better the outcome, but they should be accounting for the lag.

Meanwhile, Trump’s attempt to calm the markets failed miserably. Crazy swing in Dow Jones futures markets for September…

March -361
June -385
September +126

So Wall Street was expecting more of a short-term thing.

March -1025
June -1184
September -971

Not expecting such a short term thing anymore. They’re now -1143, -1214, -1066 at 11:52 pm.

Basically, Trump is flailing around trying to prop up the markets while mostly ignoring public health, and he can’t even get THAT right.

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You want to get sick before they have to triage. Lowly poker players shouldn’t expect a high priority (poor value to society)

Best of luck. As I’ve said before, the wife has to take the train into Philly tomorrow. Just a matter of time for us.

Bailouts for oil companies, sure

Food for people though


So my wife manages an urgent care center, while it’s less scary than if she were on the clinical side, she still has plenty of direct contact with patients. So yeah not only is there zero chance of WFH for her, but I should also probably just assume our whole household is gonna get infected eventually.

I’m the sysadmin for my company and while our customer facing stuff is in the cloud, we have plenty of physical servers in-house that can’t just go totally unattended. I joked that it’ll be like reverse isolation, all of support/programming/sales will get to work from home and it’ll be me and a couple of other dudes in an empty building.

This sucks.

Asked and answered!



If you guys are still worried about this you must have missed this part of Trump’s presentation.


Sharpie gags never get old.