Coronavirus (COVID-19)

What if you’re young and think you have high blood pressure

Yes, which makes no sense but is good news for my client.

Silly me ever thinking this might actually be a serious but misguided attempt at doing something to control the virus’s spread.

He’s just flailing around hoping something he says makes the stock market go back up. The stock market tanked big time after his speech so now he’s going with the ‘just kidding’.


My parents bought a new car yesterday. Good news is they won’t put many miles on it this year.

This is completely surreal. He was wrong about everything he said in a major speech from the Oval Office. It’s literally historical.


Gah. Just heartless. My concern has nothing to do with my own life. I’m fit as a fuckin bull. I’ll be fine. I’m worried about any percentage of people who through no fault of their own will get sick and probably die who otherwise would not have.

How soulless do you have to be to say this will kill less people than the flu and even if true not give a shit that those people are still going to die?!


He’s a clown, like half the forum. The last Ebola outbreak, I can guarantee he was heralding an apocalypse(he’ll deny that for higher mortality rates). There’s no discernment here. He’s pretending to be a clairvoyant, citing the actions of a notoriously untrustworthy government when it suits him, and minimizing them when it doesn’t – see the reported cases in China leveling off.

I’m sure if you would just READ THE TRANSCRIPT you will find it was a perfect speech.


Yang did this


The math?

But wat about Italy!?


Most of the owners probably think the virus is fake news. Cuban and Vivek are probably spitballing an XBA this very moment.

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Either Trump backtracking after the immediate fallout or the idiot can’t read and just made it up along the way.


Sports pundits are going to have nothing to talk about in a few days.


I can’t stop watching this graphic

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What’s going on in Vegas? I haven’t seen anything about confirmed cases coming out of Nevada. It’s hard to believe that nobody in Vegas has it… I’m assuming they just aren’t testing or aren’t being forthcoming with numbers.

Man all those threads are completely unreadable.

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