Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Is this a confirmed account? Amazing if true.

Maybe France tested him. Only reason Tom Hanks got tested was because he was in Australia. USA #1

(Gobert obviously tested in French embassy in Oklahoma City)

He must have been tested earlier and was waiting on the results.

How in the fuck do they have to walk back a SCRIPTED speech an hour after giving it. It was fucking scripted.

Jesus am I awake?


And thought it was a good opportunity to rub his hands over reporters’ microphones.

The dems squandering this opportunity on Dementia Joe is so quintessential eDem.

The cool thing about the euro ban being based on where you were in Europe is you can freely move around most of Europe.  Such a good plan.

Literally everything trump said tonight was pure nonsense and garbage.

How is this real life? The producers of Idiocracy would have rejected this script.


I keep waiting for the adults in the room to take charge, but then oh yeah lolz…

How the hell do you write a script that is wrong about everything? Trump administration is really fucking stupid.

That account is the one twitter account trump tried to sue to get the name of the person doing it during the craze of all the “senior advisor potus staffs” era critical of trump that eventually people figured out some of those were definitely fake later on.

if that’s wrong I’ll re-evaluate but I have a general rule of if trump went after the dude he’s legit and it’s not Trump 4D chess playing.

I dunno I mean it lists most of the countries in Europe and says you can’t come here if you’ve been to any of them in the last 14 days. Sounds like basically a travel ban right?

The only difference is US citizens and spouses and stuff exempt. Or am I missing something?

Did this poster do the math and figure out that this means the hospitalization rate is 20%? So that means if you get it, your chances of staying out of the hospital are about the same as AA holding up vs KK AIPF.

Lots of people in the US can’t afford a hospital stay.

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First case confirmed in my county (60 miles south of Seattle).

I’m pretty sure this is a person that’s in our local hospital. One of my coworkers wife works in reception in the ER and most likely is exposed.

Local school district just cancelled any events beyond students going to class.

I had a chat with my one of my firms owners and suggested they get out ahead of this and start encouraging working from home. Said they’re going to follow the health department’s recommendations but said if I’m uncomfortable I could WFH. May start next week.


Also, somebody asked up thread about having managed high blood pressure.

Does managed high blood pressure raise risk is death, or are they referring to unmanaged high blood pressure?

Btw there are now 5 Chiefsplanet threads on coronavirus for anyone who wants to knock themselves out.

One in the Lounge (politics not allowed):

Coronavirus confirmed in California, possibly 1st transmission within U.S. (Long)

And 4 in DC, the politics forum:

China quarantines Wuhan, a city the size of NYC

President Trump Needs to Step Up on the Coronavirus

GOP fumble Coronavirus Megathread

Democrats politicize Coronavirus Megathread

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Both would but unmanaged would be worse obviously.


From what I have gathered the untreated high blood pressure is a bigger issue but I assume that having had high blood pressure that is now being treated might still be below not ever having had a problem. But I have heard doctors say it’s imperative to not miss any of your blood pressure medicine if you are being treated.

Wtf. Cnn now saying travel ban only for foreign nationals travelling not us citizens.